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Windows Azure入门

[英]Getting started with Windows Azure

I'm going to sound like a complete newbie here but here goes... 我听起来像是一个完整的新手,但是这里......

I've just signed up for a Windows Azure account and was hoping to get a simple hello world aspx page up and running in a browser to see how it all works but I can't seem to find a simple guide to getting a very simple web application running. 我刚刚注册了一个Windows Azure帐户,并希望在浏览器中获得一个简单的hello world aspx页面以查看它是如何工作的但我似乎无法找到一个简单的指南来获得一个非常简单的Web应用程序运行。

I've got as far as setting up a "service" and going onto the "deploy" page but it's asking me upload an "application package". 我已经建立了一个“服务”并进入“部署”页面,但它要求我上传一个“应用程序包”。

I've looked on MSDN but there aren't any simple guides, just reams of documentation talking about "roles" and "development fabric". 我查看了MSDN,但没有任何简单的指南,只是大量的文档谈论“角色”和“开发结构”。 For somebody that is proficient in HTML/CSS and knows a little abit about asp.net it may just as well be in another language. 对于精通HTML / CSS且对asp.net有点了解的人来说,它也可能是另一种语言。

So, does anybody know how to upload a simple aspx page and then access it in a browser? 那么,有没有人知道如何上传一个简单的aspx页面,然后在浏览器中访问它?

Jon 乔恩

Make sure you're careful with your app as well. 确保你对你的应用程序也很小心。 Leaving a simple HelloWorld app running 24/7 for 1 month could cost you approx $85 in fees. 让一个简单的HelloWorld应用程序全天候运行1个月可能需要花费大约85美元的费用。

($0.12/hr x 24hr x 30days = $86.40) ($ 0.12 / hr x 24hr x 30days = $ 86.40)

http://www.microsoft.com/windowsazure/pricing/ http://www.microsoft.com/windowsazure/pricing/

Does this guide help you? 本指南对您有帮助吗? It seems pretty detailed for what you're looking for. 对于您正在寻找的东西,它似乎非常详细。

Note: When you're looking at helping documentation, I strongly urge you to focus mostly on documentation/posts dated AFTER November, 2009. It was about then that Microsoft made and released some major changes to Azure. 注意:当您正在寻找帮助文档时,我强烈建议您将重点放在2009年11月之后的文档/帖子上。就在那时,Microsoft制作并发布了Azure的一些重大更改。 Anything older than that might be outdated and unhelpful. 任何比这更旧的东西都可能过时且无益。

  1. Download and install 1. Windows Azure SDK: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=130232 2. Windows Azure Tools for Visual Studio: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=128752 下载并安装1. Windows Azure SDK: http//go.microsoft.com/fwlink/? LinkID = 130232 2.用于Visual Studio的Windows Azure工具: http//go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId = 128752
  2. Request a Token: http://www.microsoft.com/azure 请求令牌: http//www.microsoft.com/azure
  3. After getting the token create an application: https://lx.azure.microsoft.com 获取令牌后,创建一个应用程序: https//lx.azure.microsoft.com
  4. Open visual studio: new –> project –> Cloud Services –> Web Cloud Service 打开visual studio:新建 - >项目 - >云服务 - > Web Cloud Service
  5. Write hello world code in the Default.aspx page (be creative) 在Default.aspx页面中编写hello world代码(有创意)
  6. Right click on your Service project (Not the _WebRole) and select publish. 右键单击您的服务项目(不是_WebRole)并选择发布。
  7. Select Deploy and Upload you package and configurations 选择“部署并上载您的包和配置”
  8. Select Run. 选择运行。

This from Rimon http://blogs.msdn.com/rimontadros/archive/2009/04/17/windows-azure-hello-world-application-in-8-steps.aspx 这来自Rimon http://blogs.msdn.com/rimontadros/archive/2009/04/17/windows-azure-hello-world-application-in-8-steps.aspx

应用程序包只是项目的加密zip, 是一个很好的指南,可以帮助您入门。

Looks like others have covered things quite well. 看起来其他人已经很好地覆盖了事情。 I just want to add two blog posts that I put up recently, specifically related to managing your account and understanding the true cost of web roles and worker roles: 我只想添加最近提到的两篇博文,特别是与管理您的帐户和了解Web角色和工作者角色的真实成本有关:

First: How to correctly set up your account to use the MSDN Premium offering (assuming you have an MSDN Premium account. 第一: 如何正确设置您的帐户以使用MSDN Premium产品 (假设您拥有MSDN Premium帐户。

Next: The true cost of web and worker roles . 下一篇: Web和工作者角色的真实成本 This one post could save you a LOT of money. 这一篇文章可以为你节省很多钱。 Andrew Lewis already pointed you to the pricing, but this post will illustrate how costs accrue even when your app is not running. 安德鲁·刘易斯已经向您指出了定价,但这篇文章将说明即使您的应用程序未运行也会产生成本。

I found that the Windows Azure Platform Training Kit was pretty helpful when I was getting started. 我发现Windows Azure平台培训套件在我开始使用时非常有用。 It is simple step by step hands on stuff. 这是一步一步的简单的东西。

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