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C++ 中的可空值

[英]Nullable values in C++

I'm creating a database access layer in native C++, and I'm looking at ways to support NULL values.我正在用本机 C++ 创建一个数据库访问层,并且正在寻找支持 NULL 值的方法。 Here is what I have so far:这是我到目前为止所拥有的:

class CNullValue
    static CNullValue Null()
        static CNullValue nv;

        return nv;

template<class T>
class CNullableT
    CNullableT(CNullValue &v) : m_Value(T()), m_IsNull(true)

    CNullableT(T value) : m_Value(value), m_IsNull(false)

    bool IsNull()
        return m_IsNull;

    T GetValue()
        return m_Value;

    T m_Value;
    bool m_IsNull;

This is how I'll have to define functions:这就是我必须定义函数的方式:

void StoredProc(int i, CNullableT<int> j)
    ...connect to database
    ...if j.IsNull pass null to database etc

And I call it like this:我这样称呼它:

sp.StoredProc(1, 2);


sp.StoredProc(3, CNullValue::Null());

I was just wondering if there was a better way than this.我只是想知道是否有比这更好的方法。 In particular I don't like the singleton-like object of CNullValue with the statics.特别是我不喜欢带有静态的 CNullValue 的单例对象。 I'd prefer to just do我宁愿做

sp.StoredProc(3, CNullValue);

or something similar.或类似的东西。 How do others solve this problem?其他人如何解决这个问题?

Boost.Optional probably does what you need. Boost.Optional可能满足您的需求。

boost::none takes the place of your CNullValue::Null() . boost::none取代了你的CNullValue::Null() Since it's a value rather than a member function call, you can do using boost::none;由于它是一个值而不是成员函数调用,因此您可以using boost::none; if you like, for brevity.如果你愿意,为了简洁。 It has a conversion to bool instead of IsNull , and operator* instead of GetValue , so you'd do:它有一个转换为bool而不是IsNulloperator*而不是GetValue ,所以你会这样做:

void writeToDB(boost::optional<int> optional_int) {
    if (optional_int) {
        pass *optional_int to database;
    } else {
        pass null to database;

But what you've come up with is essentially the same design, I think.但我认为你想出的设计本质上是相同的。

EDIT1 : Improved with throw exception on "null" Value. EDIT1 :改进了“null”值抛出异常。 More fixes更多修复

EDIT2 : An alternative version supporting nullable references can be found here . EDIT2 : 可以在此处找到支持可为空引用的替代版本。

If Boost.Optional or std::optional are not an option, in c++11 you can also take advantage of nullptr and the nullptr_t typedef to create a Nullable<T> with pretty much same semantics as .NET one.如果Boost.Optionalstd::optional不是一个选项,在 c++11 中,您还可以利用nullptrnullptr_t typedef 创建一个Nullable<T> ,其语义与 .NET 几乎相同。

#pragma once

#include <cstddef>
#include <stdexcept>

template <typename T>
class Nullable final
    Nullable(const T &value);
    Nullable(std::nullptr_t nullpointer);
    const Nullable<T> & operator=(const Nullable<T> &value);
    const Nullable<T> & operator=(const T &value);
    const Nullable<T> & operator=(std::nullptr_t nullpointer);
    bool HasValue() const;
    const T & GetValueOrDefault() const;
    const T & GetValueOrDefault(const T &def) const;
    bool TryGetValue(T &value) const;
    T * operator->();
    const T * operator->() const;
    T & operator*();
    const T & operator*() const;

    class NullableValue final
        friend class Nullable;

        NullableValue(const T &value);

        NullableValue & operator=(const NullableValue &) = delete;
        operator const T &() const;
        const T & operator*() const;
        const T * operator&() const;

        // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42183631/inability-to-overload-dot-operator-in-c
        const T * operator->() const;

        template <typename T2>
        friend bool operator==(const Nullable<T2> &op1, const Nullable<T2> &op2);

        template <typename T2>
        friend bool operator==(const Nullable<T2> &op, const T2 &value);

        template <typename T2>
        friend bool operator==(const T2 &value, const Nullable<T2> &op);

        template <typename T2>
        friend bool operator==(const Nullable<T2> &op, std::nullptr_t nullpointer);

        template <typename T2>
        friend bool operator!=(const Nullable<T2> &op1, const Nullable<T2> &op2);

        template <typename T2>
        friend bool operator!=(const Nullable<T2> &op, const T2 &value);

        template <typename T2>
        friend bool operator!=(const T2 &value, const Nullable<T2> &op);

        template <typename T2>
        friend bool operator==(std::nullptr_t nullpointer, const Nullable<T2> &op);

        template <typename T2>
        friend bool operator!=(const Nullable<T2> &op, std::nullptr_t nullpointer);

        template <typename T2>
        friend bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t nullpointer, const Nullable<T2> &op);

        void checkHasValue() const;

        bool m_hasValue;
        T m_value;

    NullableValue Value;

template <typename T>
    : m_hasValue(false), m_value(T()) { }

template <typename T>
Nullable<T>::NullableValue::NullableValue(const T &value)
    : m_hasValue(true), m_value(value) { }

template <typename T>
Nullable<T>::NullableValue::operator const T &() const
    return m_value;

template <typename T>
const T & Nullable<T>::NullableValue::operator*() const
    return m_value;

template <typename T>
const T * Nullable<T>::NullableValue::operator&() const
    return &m_value;

template <typename T>
const T * Nullable<T>::NullableValue::operator->() const
    return &m_value;

template <typename T>
void Nullable<T>::NullableValue::checkHasValue() const
    if (!m_hasValue)
        throw std::runtime_error("Nullable object must have a value");

template <typename T>
bool Nullable<T>::HasValue() const { return Value.m_hasValue; }

template <typename T>
const T & Nullable<T>::GetValueOrDefault() const
    return Value.m_value;

template <typename T>
const T & Nullable<T>::GetValueOrDefault(const T &def) const
    if (Value.m_hasValue)
        return Value.m_value;
        return def;

template <typename T>
bool Nullable<T>::TryGetValue(T &value) const
    value = Value.m_value;
    return Value.m_hasValue;

template <typename T>
Nullable<T>::Nullable() { }

template <typename T>
Nullable<T>::Nullable(std::nullptr_t nullpointer) { (void)nullpointer; }

template <typename T>
Nullable<T>::Nullable(const T &value)
    : Value(value) { }

template <typename T2>
bool operator==(const Nullable<T2> &op1, const Nullable<T2> &op2)
    if (op1.Value.m_hasValue != op2.Value.m_hasValue)
        return false;

    if (op1.Value.m_hasValue)
        return op1.Value.m_value == op2.Value.m_value;
        return true;

template <typename T2>
bool operator==(const Nullable<T2> &op, const T2 &value)
    if (!op.Value.m_hasValue)
        return false;

    return op.Value.m_value == value;

template <typename T2>
bool operator==(const T2 &value, const Nullable<T2> &op)
    if (!op.Value.m_hasValue)
        return false;

    return op.Value.m_value == value;

template <typename T2>
bool operator==(const Nullable<T2> &op, std::nullptr_t nullpointer)
    return !op.Value.m_hasValue;

template <typename T2>
bool operator==(std::nullptr_t nullpointer, const Nullable<T2> &op)
    return !op.Value.m_hasValue;

template <typename T2>
bool operator!=(const Nullable<T2> &op1, const Nullable<T2> &op2)
    if (op1.Value.m_hasValue != op2.Value.m_hasValue)
        return true;

    if (op1.Value.m_hasValue)
        return op1.Value.m_value != op2.Value.m_value;
        return false;

template <typename T2>
bool operator!=(const Nullable<T2> &op, const T2 &value)
    if (!op.Value.m_hasValue)
        return true;

    return op.Value.m_value != value;

template <typename T2>
bool operator!=(const T2 &value, const Nullable<T2> &op)
    if (!op.Value.m_hasValue)
        return false;

    return op.Value.m_value != value;

template <typename T2>
bool operator!=(const Nullable<T2> &op, std::nullptr_t nullpointer)
    return op.Value.m_hasValue;

template <typename T2>
bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t nullpointer, const Nullable<T2> &op)
    return op.Value.m_hasValue;

template <typename T>
const Nullable<T> & Nullable<T>::operator=(const Nullable<T> &value)
    Value.m_hasValue = value.Value.m_hasValue;
    Value.m_value = value.Value.m_value;
    return *this;

template <typename T>
const Nullable<T> & Nullable<T>::operator=(const T &value)
    Value.m_hasValue = true;
    Value.m_value = value;
    return *this;

template <typename T>
const Nullable<T> & Nullable<T>::operator=(std::nullptr_t nullpointer)
    Value.m_hasValue = false;
    Value.m_value = T();
    return *this;

template <typename T>
T * Nullable<T>::operator->()
    return &Value.m_value;

template <typename T>
const T * Nullable<T>::operator->() const
    return &Value.m_value;

template <typename T>
T & Nullable<T>::operator*()
    return Value.m_value;

template <typename T>
const T & Nullable<T>::operator*() const
    return Value.m_value;

I tested it in gcc, clang and VS15 with the following:我在 gcc、clang 和 VS15 中对其进行了以下测试:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

    Nullable<int> ni1;
    Nullable<int> ni2 = nullptr;
    Nullable<int> ni3 = 3;
    Nullable<int> ni4 = 4;
    ni4 = nullptr;
    Nullable<int> ni5 = 5;
    Nullable<int> ni6;
    ni6 = ni3;
    Nullable<int> ni7(ni3);
    //Nullable<int> ni8 = NULL; // This is an error in gcc/clang but it's ok in VS12

    cout << (ni1 == nullptr ? "True" : "False") << endl; // True
    cout << (ni2 == nullptr ? "True" : "False") << endl; // True
    cout << (ni2 == 3 ? "True" : "False") << endl; // False
    cout << (ni2 == ni3 ? "True" : "False") << endl; // False
    cout << (ni3 == 3 ? "True" : "False") << endl; // True
    cout << (ni2 == ni4 ? "True" : "False") << endl; // True
    cout << (ni3 == ni5 ? "True" : "False") << endl; // False
    cout << (ni3 == ni6 ? "True" : "False") << endl; // True
    cout << (ni3 == ni7 ? "True" : "False") << endl; // True

    //cout << ni1 << endl; // Doesn't compile
    //cout << ni3 << endl; // Doesn't compile
    cout << ni3.Value << endl; // 3
    //cout << ni1.Value << endl; // Throw exception
    //cout << ni2.Value << endl; // Throw exception
    //ni3.Value = 2; // Doesn't compile
    cout << sizeof(ni1) << endl; // 8 on VS15

    return 0;

There are lot of Nullable type implementation for C++ and most are incomplete. C++ 有很多 Nullable 类型的实现,而且大多数都不完整。 In C++ world, nullable types are called optional types .在 C++ 世界中,可为空的类型称为可选类型 This was proposed for C++14 but got postponed.这是为 C++14 提出的,但被推迟了。 However the code to implement it compiles and works on most C++11 compilers.然而,实现它的代码可以在大多数 C++11 编译器上编译和工作。 You can just drop in the single header file implementing optional type and start using it:您可以只放入实现可选类型的单个头文件并开始使用它:

https://raw.githubusercontent.com/akrzemi1/Optional/master/optional.hpp https://raw.githubusercontent.com/akrzemi1/Optional/master/optional.hpp

Sample usage:示例用法:

#if (defined __cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201700L)
#include <optional>
#include "optional.hpp"

#include <iostream>

#if (defined __cplusplus) && (__cplusplus >= 201700L)
using std::optional;
using std::experimental::optional;

int main()
    optional<int> o1,      // empty
                  o2 = 1,  // init from rvalue
                  o3 = o2; // copy-constructor

    if (!o1) {
        cout << "o1 has no value";

    std::cout << *o2 << ' ' << *o3 << ' ' << *o4 << '\n';

More documentation: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/experimental/optional更多文档: http ://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/experimental/optional

Also see my other answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/37624595/207661另请参阅我的其他答案: https ://stackoverflow.com/a/37624595/207661

Replace IsNull with HasValue and you've got the .NET Nullable type.IsNull替换为HasValue ,您就获得了 .NET Nullable类型。

Of course.. this is C++.当然..这是C++。 Why not just use a pointer to a "primitive" type?为什么不直接使用指向“原始”类型的指针?

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