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[英]WCF channel timed out error

I have devloped an application which connects the database thrugh WCF + LINQ. 我已经开发了一个通过WCF + LINQ连接数据库的应用程序。 I am able invoke the service from my asp.net application successfuly. 我可以从asp.net应用程序成功调用该服务。 But the problem here is that, when i navigate from end to end in my application almost after four or five clicks, i am getting the late response and says channel timed out error. 但是这里的问题是,当我在四到五次单击之后从头到尾浏览我的应用程序时,我得到了较晚的响应,并说通道超时错误。

If anyone is aware about the soltion for this. 如果有人知道解决方案。 It would be really helpful for me. 这对我真的很有帮助。

Thanks, 谢谢,

Since it works for the first requests, this may be caused by connections not being closed. 由于它适用于第一个请求,因此可能是由于未关闭连接引起的。

If you make a connection to a WCF service and do not close it, it will remain open until it times out. 如果您连接到WCF服务并且没有关闭它,它将保持打开状态直到超时。

The default number of WCF connections limit is 10, and the default timeout is 1 min. WCF连接限制的默认数量为10,默认超时为1分钟。

So if you make 10 requests quickly, then the 11th will be refused. 因此,如果您快速提出10个请求,那么第11个请求将被拒绝。

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