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[英]Using pam_python in a script running with mod_python

I would like to develop a web interface to allow users of a Linux system to do certain tasks related to their account. 我想开发一个Web界面,以允许Linux系统的用户执行与其帐户相关的某些任务。 I decided to write the backend of the site using Python and mod_python on Apache. 我决定在Apache上使用Python和mod_python编写网站的后端。 To authenticate the users, I thought I could use python_pam to query the PAM service. 为了验证用户身份,我认为我可以使用python_pam查询PAM服务。 I adapted the example bundled with the module and got this: 我修改了与模块捆绑在一起的示例 ,并得到以下信息:

# out is the output stream used to print debug
def auth(username, password, out):
    def pam_conv(aut, query_list, user_data):
        out.write("Query list: " + str(query_list) + "\n")

        # List to store the responses to the different queries
        resp = []

        for item in query_list:
            query, qtype = item

            # If PAM asks for an input, give the password
            if qtype == PAM.PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON or qtype == PAM.PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_OFF:
                resp.append((str(password), 0))

            elif qtype == PAM.PAM_PROMPT_ERROR_MSG or qtype == PAM.PAM_PROMPT_TEXT_INFO:
                resp.append(('', 0))

        out.write("Our response: " + str(resp) + "\n")
        return resp

    # If username of password is undefined, fail
    if username is None or password is None:
        return False

    service = 'login'
    pam_ = PAM.pam()

    # Set the username
    pam_.set_item(PAM.PAM_USER, str(username))

    # Set the conversation callback
    pam_.set_item(PAM.PAM_CONV, pam_conv)

    except PAM.error, resp:
        out.write("Error: " + str(resp) + "\n")
        return False
        return False

    # If we get here, the authentication worked
    return True 

My problem is that this function does not behave the same whether I use it in a simple script or through mod_python. 我的问题是,无论我在简单脚本中还是通过mod_python使用此函数,其功能都不同。 To illustrate this, I wrote these simple cases: 为了说明这一点,我写了这些简单的案例:

my_username = "markys"
my_good_password = "lalala"
my_bad_password = "lololo"

def handler(req):
 req.content_type = "text/plain"
 req.write("1- " + str(auth(my_username,my_good_password,req) + "\n"))
 req.write("2- " + str(auth(my_username,my_bad_password,req) + "\n"))
 return apache.OK

if __name__ == "__main__":
 print "1- " + str(auth(my_username,my_good_password,sys.__stdout__))
 print "2- " + str(auth(my_username,my_bad_password,sys.__stdout__))

The result from the script is : 该脚本的结果是:

Query list: [('Password: ', 1)]
Our response: [('lalala', 0)]
1- True
Query list: [('Password: ', 1)]
Our response: [('lololo', 0)]
Error: ('Authentication failure', 7)
2- False

but the result from mod_python is : 但是mod_python的结果是:

Query list: [('Password: ', 1)]
Our response: [('lalala', 0)]
Error: ('Authentication failure', 7)
1- False
Query list: [('Password: ', 1)]
Our response: [('lololo', 0)]
Error: ('Authentication failure', 7)
2- False

I don't understand why the auth function does not return the same value given the same inputs. 我不明白为什么在给定相同输入的情况下auth函数不返回相同值。 Any idea where I got this wrong ? 知道我错了吗? Here is the original script, if that could help you. 如果可以的话, 是原始脚本。

Thanks a lot ! 非常感谢 !

EDIT: All right I found the error. 编辑:好的,我发现了错误。 I was running the script as root. 我以root身份运行脚本。 mod_python was running the script as the webserver's user. mod_python以Web服务器的用户身份运行脚本。 Only root has the right to read shadow. 只有root有权读取阴影。 I am not sure how I will circumvent this, but at least now I know what is the problem ! 我不确定如何避免这种情况,但至少现在我知道出了什么问题!

It seems like you have to enable Apache to use PAM authentication. 似乎您必须启用Apache才能使用PAM身份验证。 Take a look at this site: http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/apachepam.htm 看看这个网站: http : //www.debianhelp.co.uk/apachepam.htm

You might want to take a look at this site too : http://inming.net/?p=86 您可能也想看看这个站点: http : //inming.net/?p=86

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