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[英]If terminating a hung thread is a good idea, how do I do it safely?

My Delphi program relies heavily on Outlook automation. 我的Delphi程序在很大程度上依赖于Outlook自动化。 Outlook versions prior to 2007-SP2 tend to get stuck in memory due to badly written addins and badly written Outlook code. 2007-SP2之前的Outlook版本由于编写错误的插件和编写错误的Outlook代码而倾向于卡在内存中。

If Outlook is stuck, calling CreateOleObject('Outlook.Application') or GetActiveObject ... doesn't return and keeps my application hanging till Outlook.exe is closed in the task manager. 如果Outlook卡住,调用CreateOleObject('Outlook.Application')或GetActiveObject ...不会返回并保持我的应用程序挂起,直到任务管理器中的Outlook.exe关闭。

I've thought of a solution, but I'm unsure whether it's good practice or not. 我想到了一个解决方案,但我不确定这是否是好的做法。

I'd start Outlook with CreateOleObject in a separate thread, wait 10 seconds in my main thread and if Outlook hangs (CreateOleObject doesn't return), offer the user to kill the Outlook.exe process from my program. 我在一个单独的线程中使用CreateOleObject启动Outlook,在我的主线程中等待10秒,如果Outlook挂起(CreateOleObject没有返回),则让用户从我的程序中终止Outlook.exe进程。

But since I don't want to force the user to kill the Outlook.exe process, as an alternative I also need a way to kill the new thread in my program which keeps hanging now. 但是因为我不想强迫用户杀死Outlook.exe进程,作为替代方案,我还需要一种方法来杀死程序中的新线程,该线程现在一直挂起。

  1. Is this good practice? 这是好习惯吗?
  2. How can I terminate a hanging thread in Delphi without leaking memory? 如何在不泄漏内存的情况下终止Delphi中的挂起线程?

Windows has a TerminateThread function, but as you can see from the remarks, it's not generally a good idea to use it. Windows有一个TerminateThread函数,但从备注中可以看出,使用它通常不是一个好主意。 A safer approach would be to have a secondary application that interacts with Outlook, and you could then kill that without affecting your own application's stability. 更安全的方法是拥有一个与Outlook交互的辅助应用程序,然后您可以杀死它而不影响您自己的应用程序的稳定性。 TerminateProcess would work, but if you wanted to be a little friendlier to the system Dr. Dobbs has an article on a possibly safer approach using ExitProcess. TerminateProcess可以工作,但是如果你想对系统更友好一点Dr.Dobbs有一篇关于使用ExitProcess可能更安全的方法的文章

If the hang is consistent and always either happens or doesn't happen, you can just call CreateOleObject in the app and exit, then call it again from your own. 如果挂起是一致的并且始终发生或不发生,您只需在应用程序中调用CreateOleObject并退出,然后再从您自己调用它。 If it's inconsistent the secondary application could be a more complete wrapper, and all the interactions would go through it. 如果它不一致,则辅助应用程序可能是更完整的包装器,并且所有交互都将通过它。

And additionally, you can use thread's Context's eip register. 此外,您还可以使用线程的Context的eip寄存器。

You can find a sample at; 你可以找到一个样本;

http://www.tugrulhelvaci.com/?p=568 http://www.tugrulhelvaci.com/?p=568

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