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[英]Rubyzip - possible to set extraction folder?

My problem is that I need to set the root extraction folder for a zip-file I'm generating by using Rubyzip. 我的问题是我需要为使用Rubyzip生成的zip文件设置根提取文件夹。 The zip-file will be opened in Windows as self-extractable. 该zip文件将在Windows中以自解压形式打开。 Is this option available in Rubyzip? Rubyzip中是否提供此选项? Or is this a value that is stored in the Windows registry and used by the integrated zip-functionality in Windows? 还是此值存储在Windows注册表中,并由Windows中的集成zip功能使用?

Looks like you will face another problem, as RubyZip itself doesn't make self-extractable archives. 看起来您将面临另一个问题,因为RubyZip本身不会创建可自解压的存档。

There are possibilities to combine a zip-extractor binary with your archived data into extractable .exe. 可以将zip提取器二进制文件与已归档的数据合并到可提取的.exe中。 And I guess there are no zip-extractors to hold default path for extraction destination, as there is dialog prompting for. 而且我想没有zip提取程序来保存提取目标的默认路径,因为有对话框提示。

Have a look, this thread can help http://groups.google.com/group/brighton-ruby/browse_thread/thread/89b2e9ac4dfbed3b?pli=1 看看,该线程可以帮助http://groups.google.com/group/brighton-ruby/browse_thread/thread/89b2e9ac4dfbed3b?pli=1

Regards, bv 关于BV

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