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Magento Flash + XML前端

[英]Magento Flash + XML frontend

I'm working on a Flash frontend for a Magento powered store. 我正在为Magento供电的商店开发Flash前端。 This frontend will be an alternative to the HTML shop so it will sit in a subdirectory and use the same Magento installation as the main HTML site. 该前端将替代HTML商店,因此它将位于子目录中,并使用与主要HTML站点相同的Magento安装。

The Flash application will get the data from dynamic XML files. Flash应用程序将从动态XML文件中获取数据。 It needs to get almost everything as the HTML site (categories, products, cart, etc). 它需要获取几乎所有HTML网站(类别,产品,购物车等)。

I want this to be a Magento module that can be installed on an already existing Magento installation. 我希望这是一个可以安装在已经存在的Magento安装中的Magento模块。 I would like to use the Block classes available in Magneto's core code as they already provide a lot of the functionality needed. 我想使用Magneto核心代码中可用的Block类,因为它们已经提供了许多所需的功能。

What steps would you take in order to achieve this? 您将采取什么步骤来实现这一目标? Do you know any examples or articles related to this? 您知道与此相关的任何示例或文章吗?

Thanks! 谢谢!

What your trying to do isn't necessarily a plugin, since you are trying to override the HTML output of the site. 您尝试做的不一定是插件,因为您尝试覆盖网站的HTML输出。 This kind of modification would probably be best created as a new design or template, overriding all HTML w/ XML as you go. 最好将这种修改创建为新的设计或模板,以覆盖使用XML的所有HTML。 Then you can include the SWF files as part of the skin, and users will be able to install your new frontend by downloading the new design/template. 然后,您可以将SWF文件作为外观的一部分包括在内,用户将可以通过下载新的设计/模板来安装新的前端。

请检查此http://www.de-la-le.com (基于Magento),现在很可能可以使用以下扩展名http://www.magentocommerce.com/extension/specs/1730/来实现。 mammoth_webservices-0-3-0-tgz允许通过API进行所有前端购物车处理。

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