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如何使用perl(CAM :: PDF,PDF :: API2)转换PDF页面?

[英]How to shift PDF page using perl (CAM::PDF, PDF::API2)?

I have a PDF document which I need to shift the pages to the right several inches. 我有一个PDF文档,需要将页面右移几英寸。 Ie like putting a margin on the left hand side of the page. 即喜欢在页面的左侧放置边距。

Can either CAM::PDF or PDF::API2 do it? CAM :: PDF或PDF :: API2都可以吗? Or is there anyone have experience with it? 还是有经验的人?

Thanks. 谢谢。

I'm the author of CAM::PDF . 我是CAM :: PDF的作者。 The following little program shifts the page contents right by 100 points. 下面的小程序将页面内容右移100点。

use CAM::PDF;
my $pdf = CAM::PDF->new('my.pdf');
my $page = $pdf->getPage(1);
$page->{MediaBox}->{value}->[0]->{value} -= 100;
$page->{MediaBox}->{value}->[2]->{value} -= 100;

I used "use Data::Dumper; print Dumper($page);" 我使用了“使用Data :: Dumper; print Dumper($ page);” to remind myself of the $page data structure. 让我想起$ page数据结构。

Here's how I would do it in PDF::API2: 这是我在PDF :: API2中的处理方式:

use PDF::API2;

my $in  = PDF::API2->open('/path/to/file.pdf');
my $out = PDF::API2->new();

# Choose your margin (72 = one inch)
my $x_offset = 72;
my $y_offset = 0;

foreach my $page_num (1 .. $in->pages()) {
    # Take the source page and import it as an XObject
    my $xobject = $out->importPageIntoForm($in, $page_num);

    # Add the XObject to the new PDF
    my $page = $out->page();
    my $gfx = $page->gfx();
    $gfx->formimage($xobject, $x_offset, $y_offset);

Another way that should work is to adjust the coordinates for the mediabox (and possibly other boxes): 另一可行的方法是调整媒体盒(可能还有其他盒)的坐标:

use PDF::API2;

my $pdf = PDF::API2->open('/path/to/file.pdf');

# Choose your margin (72 = one inch)
my $x_offset = 72;
my $y_offset = 0;

foreach my $page_num (1 .. $pdf->pages()) {
    my $page = $pdf->openpage($page_num);

    # Get the coordinates for the page corners
    my ($llx, $lly, $urx, $ury) = $page->get_mediabox();

    # Add the margin by shifting the mediabox in the opposite direction
    $llx -= $x_offset;
    $lly -= $y_offset;
    $urx -= $x_offset;
    $ury -= $y_offset;

    # Store the new coordinates for the page corners
    $page->mediabox($llx, $lly, $urx, $ury);


If you run into issues with content getting cut off, you may need to get and set one or more of cropbox , bleedbox , trimbox , and artbox as well, but this should work in most cases. 如果遇到内容截断的问题,则可能还需要获取并设置cropboxbleedboxtrimboxartbox一项或多项,但这在大多数情况下应该可行。

You can do that also with Ghostscript . 您也可以使用Ghostscript做到这一点。 I'll give you some example commands for Windows (when using Unix, just replace gswin32c.exe by gs ): 我将为您提供一些适用于Windows的示例命令(使用Unix时,只需将gswin32c.exe替换为gs ):

gswin32c.exe ^
   -o input-shifted-pages-1-inch-to-left.pdf ^
   -sDEVICE=pdfwrite ^
   -c "<</PageOffset [-72 0]>> setpagedevice" ^
   -f /path/to/input.pdf
  1. -o : specifies the output file. -o :指定输出文件。 Implicitly also uses -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER . 隐式还使用-dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER
  2. -sDEVICE=... : asks Ghostscript to output PDF. -sDEVICE=... :要求Ghostscript输出PDF。
  3. -c <<... : a PostScript code snippet passed on the commandline to make happen the page shift -c <<... :在命令行上传递的PostScript代码段,以进行页面移位
  4. -f ... : specifies the input PDF ( -f is required after using -c ). -f ... :指定输入的PDF(使用-c后需要-f )。

The units used by /PageShift are PostScript points. /PageShift使用的单位是PostScript点。 72 pt == 1 inch. 72磅== 1英寸。 The value [-72 0] shifts 72pt==1in to the left and 0in to top/bottom. [-72 0]向左移动72pt == 1in,向上/下移动0in。 Now you know how to shift 2 inches to the right: 现在您知道了如何向右移动2英寸:

gswin32c ^
   -o input-shifted-pages-2-inches-to-right.pdf ^
   -sDEVICE=pdfwrite ^
   -c "<</PageOffset [144 0]>> setpagedevice" ^
   -f /path/to/input.pdf

Wanna shift 0.5 in to the bottom and 1 inch to the right? 想要将0.5移至底部,向右移1英寸?

gswin32c.exe ^
   -o input-shifted-pages-1-inch-to-right-half-inch-down.pdf ^
   -sDEVICE=pdfwrite ^
   -c "<</PageOffset [72 -36]>> setpagedevice" ^
   -f /path/to/input.pdf

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