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未定义类型“ xxx”,BC30002错误

[英]Type 'xxx' is not defined, BC30002 error

It is possible to create an instance of a C# class within a aspx.vb codebehind file? 是否可以在aspx.vb代码隐藏文件内创建C#类的实例?

When I try this within the Page_Load event: 当我在Page_Load事件中尝试此操作时:

Dim oFlow As New Flow(HttpContext.Current.Request)

I get the Type 'Flow' is not defined. 我得到类型“流”未定义。 The Flow class itself is located here: Flow类本身位于此处:


There's no namespace associated with this class. 没有与此类关联的名称空间。

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 任何建议将不胜感激。

cheers, 干杯,

devin 德文

There seems to be a few articles on google which say that it is possible to call a C# class from VB directly using a reference. Google上似乎有几篇文章说可以使用引用直接从VB调用C#类。 However I have never used this method before. 但是我以前从未使用过这种方法。 Here is what I would suggest: 这是我的建议:

  1. Create a new project inside of your solution 在解决方案中创建一个新项目
  2. Create this project as ac# class library 将此项目创建为ac#类库
  3. Compile that project either in debug or release (this will create a .dll in the projects debug/bin or release/bin folder). 在调试或发行版中编译该项目(这将在项目的debug / bin或release / bin文件夹中创建一个.dll)。
  4. Go back to your ASP.Net VB project and make a reference (right click the project in the explorer and your should see the reference option) to the DLL you just created. 返回您的ASP.Net VB项目,然后对刚刚创建的DLL进行引用(在资源管理器中右键单击该项目,您应该会看到引用选项)。

Now you can call the c# code just as you would any other class library from your VB code. 现在,您可以像调用VB代码中的任何其他类库一样调用c#代码。 Also, if you need to make changes to the C# code all you have to do is make them, compile again, and since it is referenced in your VB project everything will be updated auto-magically. 另外,如果您需要对C#代码进行更改,则只需进行更改,然后再次编译,由于VB项目中已引用了该代码,因此所有内容都会自动进行神奇地更新。

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

Thanks for the response. 感谢您的回复。

The reason why I was having issues is because I'm using IIS 6 on my windows xp box along with the XP PRO IIS Admin Tool and I didn't have the correct site running. 我遇到问题的原因是因为我在Windows XP盒子上使用IIS 6以及XP PRO IIS Admin Tool,而我没有运行正确的站点。

Once I switched over to the proper site within the XP PRO IIS Admin Tool and then recompiled, I was able to call my C# class from within the .vb page without a hitch and intellisense recoginized the class as well :) 一旦我切换到XP PRO IIS Admin Tool中的适当站点,然后重新编译,就可以从.vb页面中调用C#类,而不会遇到麻烦,并且Intellisense也可以重新识别该类:)

cheers, 干杯,

devin 德文


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