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[英]How to halt only if shift is pressed?

in Pharo I'd like Object>>halt to halt only if shift is pressed, so that I don't break down my image. 在Pharo我喜欢Object>>halt只有在按下shift时停止,这样我才不会分解我的形象。 How do I do that? 我怎么做?

So, for example, I'd like to be able to add a self halt. 所以,例如,我希望能够添加一个self halt. into Array>>add: , without losing my image. 进入Array>>add: ,而不会丢失我的图像。

 Sensor leftShiftDown ifTrue: [self halt].

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I'll do the following now, Merging Oscar's and Richard's solution: 我现在将执行以下操作,合并奥斯卡和理查德的解决方案:

  self haltIf: [Sensor shiftPressed]

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