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[英]DataObjects.NET: a good (flawless, documented, support) ORM?

I am looking for ORM frameworks, came along to NHibernate, Genome, L2S, Entity Framework and now the DataObjects.NET.. So far a I read the documentation it seems pretty cabable, but have you ever tried this ORM? 我正在寻找ORM框架,来到NHibernate,基因组,L2S,实体框架和现在的DataObjects.NET ..到目前为止,我阅读的文档似乎很可用,但你有没有试过这个ORM?

Any issues/bugs with DO.NET would be approciated :) DO.NET的任何问题/错误都将被认可:)

I used DataObjects.Net v4. 我使用DataObjects.Net v4。 It supports VS 2010 and .Net 4.0 and it is really good ORM. 它支持VS 2010和.Net 4.0,它非常好用ORM。 It's easy to use and it constructs the database automatically so you do not design the database and reverse engineer it to classes like some other ORMs. 它易于使用,并且它自动构建数据库,因此您不需要设计数据库并将其反向工程到类似其他ORM的类。 The only thing that was so annoying about it is the Session management and switching mechanism in case of web applications. 唯一令人讨厌的是Web应用程序中的会话管理和切换机制。 I think even this is being taken care of in version 4.4 currently under development. 我认为即使在目前正在开发的4.4版本中也要处理这个问题。

I think you should take a look at LLBLGen Pro as well. 我想你也应该看看LLBLGen Pro I think this is probably the best .NET ORM out there. 我认为这可能是最好的.NET ORM。

Aside from the fact that this question sound a lot like an informercial, there's a big problem with DataObjects.Net - it's dual-licensed as a GPL or commercial w/o evaluation. 除了这个问题听起来很像商业问题之外,DataObjects.Net存在一个很大的问题 - 它是双重许可的GPL或商业w / o评估。 So the answer is - no, I have not tried it and it is quite unlikely I will try it . 所以答案是 - 不,我没有尝试过,我不太可能尝试它

I have no beef with GPL (though I do not like it for various reasons), or dual-licensed products - after all the license choice is a right to the copyright holder. 我没有GPL牛肉(虽然我不喜欢它因各种原因),或双许可产品 - 毕竟许可证选择是版权所有者的权利。 However, I also want to reserve that right for my software as well. 但是,我也希望为我的软件保留该权利。 I am writing commercial software, which I have no problem releasing as open source, but under a license of my choice. 我正在编写商业软件,我可以在开源时发布,但在我选择的许可下。 If I am to adopt a new ORM, I want, nay - I need to be able to release a CTP preview of my product to a limited set of customers for real-life testing. 如果我要采用新的ORM,我想要,不 - 我需要能够向有限的客户发布我的产品的CTP预览版以进行实际测试。 And that would mean I either have to splurge the money for DO.Net upfront without knowing whether my investment will benefit me; 这意味着我要么必须先把钱花在DO.Net上而不知道我的投资是否会让我受益; or I have to release my sources under a license that effectively takes away the control over my app from me and has the potential to ruin my business by commoditizing my product. 或者我必须根据许可证发布我的来源,这有效地从我这里取消了对我的应用程序的控制,并且有可能通过商品化我的产品来破坏我的业务。

Now, if there was a limited evaluation license, say one month noncommercial use, I might consider giving it a quick trial and see how it works. 现在,如果有一个有限的评估许可证,比如一个月非商业用途,我可能会考虑快速试用它,看看它是如何工作的。

If a product wants commercial adoption, it needs to have a risk-free way for early adopters to evaluate it. 如果产品需要商业化采用,则需要为早期采用者提供无风险的评估方法。

Does DataObjects.NET support SQL identity columns yet? DataObjects.NET是否支持SQL标识列? I abandoned v3 because I couldn't find a way to support identity columns. 我放弃了v3,因为我找不到支持标识列的方法。

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