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[英]Using LINQ to Extract Specific Values from Multi-Dimensional Array

I am working with multi-dimentioned arrays of bool , int , and various struct . 我正在使用boolint和各种struct多维数组。 The code loops through these arrays and performs some operation on specific values. 代码循环遍历这些数组并对特定值执行某些操作。 For instance, 例如,

        for (int x = 0; x < this.Size.Width; x++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < this.Size.Height; y++) {
                if (this.Map[x, y]) {
                    DrawTerrain(this.Tile[x, y].Location, Terrain.Water);

I can do simple LINQ stuff, but I can't do what I would like. 我可以做简单的LINQ,但我不能做我想做的事情。 What I would like to do is use LINQ. 我想做的是使用LINQ。 Maybe something like 也许是这样的

from x in this.Map where x == true execute DrawTerrain(...)

But, I don't understand how I can get the x and y locations or how to call a method in the LINQ statement. 但是,我不明白如何获取x和y位置或如何在LINQ语句中调用方法。

Also, it would be great if I can put this code into a function and be able to call it with a delegate or a predicate? 另外,如果我可以将此代码放入函数并且能够使用委托或谓词调用它,那将会很棒吗? I don't know if delegate or predicate are the correct words. 我不知道委托或谓词是否正确。

    void Draw(Delegate draw, bool[,] map, struct[,] tiles) 
        from x in map where x == true draw(titles[x,y]).invoke;

Well, you could do it with LINQ if you work hard enough, but it would be a pain. 好吧,如果你努力工作,你可以用LINQ来做,但这会很痛苦。 It sounds like your first bit of code is absolutely fine. 听起来你的第一段代码绝对没问题。

Having a version of that which is generalised to take an action seems very reasonable though: 有一个通用的版本采取行动似乎非常合理:

public delegate void Drawer(int x, int y, Tile tile);

public void Draw(Drawer drawer, bool[,] map, Tile[,] tiles) {
    for (int x = 0; x < this.Size.Width; x++) {
        for (int y = 0; y < this.Size.Height; y++) {
            if (this.Map[x, y]) {
                drawer(x, y, tiles[x, y]);

If you really want the LINQ version, it would be something like: 如果你真的想要LINQ版本,它将是这样的:

var query = from x in Enumerable.Range(0, Size.Width)
            from y in Enumerable.Range(0, Size.Height)
            where Map[x, y]
            select new { x, y };

foreach (var pair in query)
    DoWhatever(pair.x, pair.y, tiles[pair.x, pair.y]);

You can do the following Linq query to get the x,y values then iterate over them to run your method. 您可以执行以下Linq查询以获取x,y值,然后迭代它们以运行您的方法。

var points = from x in Enumerable.Range(0, this.Size.Width - 1)
             from y in Enumerable.Range(0, this.Size.Width - 1)
             where this.Map[x, y]
             select new { X = x, Y = y };
foreach (var p in points)
    DrawTerrain(this.Tile[p.X, p.Y].Location, Terrain.Water);

The LINQ query syntax isn't really designed for working with 2-dimensional data structures, but you can write an extension method that will convert the 2D array into a sequence of values that contain the coordinates in the original 2D array and the value from the array. LINQ查询语法并非真正设计用于处理二维数据结构,但您可以编写一个扩展方法,将2D数组转换为包含原始2D数组中的坐标和来自阵列。 You'll need a helper type to store the data: 您需要一个帮助程序类型来存储数据:

class CoordinateValue<T> {
  public T Value { get; set; }
  public int X { get; set; }
  public int Y { get; set; }

Then you can write the extension method (for any 2D array) like this: 然后你可以编写扩展方法(对于任何2D数组),如下所示:

IEnumerable<CoordinateValue<T>> AsEnumerable(this T[,] arr) {
  for (int i = 0; i < arr.GetLength(0); i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < arr.GetLength(0); j++)
      yield new CoordinateValue<T> { Value = arr[i, j]; X = i; Y = j; };

Now you can finally start using LINQ. 现在你终于可以开始使用LINQ了。 To get coordinates of all elements from the 2D array such that the value stored in the element is true , you can use the following: 要从2D数组中获取所有元素的坐标,使得存储在元素中的值为true ,可以使用以下命令:

var toDraw = from tile in this.Map.AsEnumerable()
             where tile.Value == true
             select tile;

// tile contains the coordinates (X, Y) and the original value (Value)
foreach(var tile in toDraw)
    FillTile(tile.X, tile.Y);

This lets you specify some interesting conditions when filtering the tiles. 这使您可以在过滤切片时指定一些有趣的条件。 For example if you wanted to get only diagonal elements, you could write: 例如,如果您只想获得对角元素,您可以写:

var toDraw = from tile in this.Map.AsEnumerable()
             where tile.Value == true && tile.X == tile.Y
             select tile;

To answer your second question - if you want to encapsulate the behavior into the method, you'll probably need to use some Action<...> delegate to represent the drawing function that will be passed to the method. 要回答第二个问题 - 如果要将行为封装到方法中,您可能需要使用一些Action<...>委托来表示将传递给方法的绘图函数。 It depends on the type signature of your drawing method though. 这取决于绘图方法的类型签名。

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