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删除 Google App Engine 应用程序

[英]Deleting a Google App Engine application

Is it possible to delete an GAE application after it has been created?是否可以在创建 GAE 应用程序后将其删除?

I made a mistake while typing the name and now have a dummy application that I haven't been able to remove.我在输入名称时犯了一个错误,现在有一个我无法删除的虚拟应用程序。

With the new Google Cloud console, you can still disable GAE applications as before (App Engine --> Settings --> Disable).使用新的 Google Cloud 控制台,您仍然可以像以前一样禁用 GAE 应用程序(App Engine --> 设置 --> 禁用)。 They cannot currently be deleted.目前无法删除它们。 However you can delete the entire project by going to IAM --> Settings --> Shut Down.但是,您可以通过转至 IAM --> 设置 --> 关闭来删除整个项目。 This button is in the header and a bit tricky to spot.此按钮位于标题中,很难发现。 It looks like this:它看起来像这样:


As of AppEngine SDK 1.2.6 it's possible to delete apps completely .AppEngine SDK 1.2.6 开始,可以完全删除应用程序 But beware, the app-id won't be usable again.但请注意,app-id 将无法再次使用。

As most of the answers are outdated or contradictive and this is an important question I decided to clarify current possible solutions when intending to delete an application in Google App Engine or having related issues.由于大多数答案已经过时或相互矛盾,这是一个重要的问题,我决定在打算删除 Google App Engine 中的应用程序或遇到相关问题时澄清当前可能的解决方案。

Currently, there is no way to delete an existing app in GAE.目前,无法在 GAE 中删除现有应用程序。 Once created it cannot be removed, nor its initial settings can be changed (like the region where it was deployed).一旦创建,就不能删除,也不能更改其初始设置(例如部署的区域)。 The only possible workaround is starting a new project and deploying a new application.唯一可能的解决方法是启动一个新项目并部署一个新应用程序。 There were feature requests in Google Issue Tracker regarding these issues: deleting an app and changing zone/region . Google 问题跟踪器中有关于这些问题的功能请求:删除应用程序更改 zone/region You can still delete the whole project as described in Steve Armstrong's answer, but bear in mind that this will remove everything you created there (like GCE, GKE etc.), not only GAE.您仍然可以按照 Steve Armstrong 的回答中所述删除整个项目,但请记住,这将删除您在那里创建的所有内容(如 GCE、GKE 等),而不仅仅是 GAE。

However, it all depends on why you would like to delete your app.但是,这完全取决于您为什么要删除您的应用程序。 If you would simply like to stop it from serving requests or you don't want it to incur further costs, you can disable the app as described in the GCP docs here .如果您只是想阻止它处理请求,或者您不希望它产生更多费用,您可以按照此处的 GCP 文档中的说明禁用该应用程序。

This feature is already logged, please star it:此功能已被记录,请star:

http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=335 http://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/issues/detail?id=335

To disable /delete your application:要禁用/删除您的应用程序:

  • In the Administration Console, click your application to make it the active application.在管理控制台中,单击您的应用程序以使其成为活动应用程序。
  • Click Application Settings on the left side under Administration.单击管理下左侧的应用程序设置。
  • Click Disable Application.单击禁用应用程序。
  • Click Disable Application Now.单击立即禁用应用程序。
  • If you want to delete your app:如果您想删除您的应用:
    1. If billing is enabled for your app, disable billing.如果您的应用程序启用了计费,请禁用计费。 You aren't allowed to delete before you do this.在执行此操作之前,您不得删除。
    2. Click Request Permanent Deletion.单击请求永久删除。 The application will be deleted in approximately 72 hours.该应用程序将在大约 72 小时内删除。 To re-enable your disabled application, click Re-Enable Application.要重新启用已禁用的应用程序,请单击重新启用应用程序。

在此处输入图片说明 source 来源

目前无法删除 GAE 应用程序。

This issue has been fixed;这个问题已被解决; see the docs here: https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/console/?csw=1#delete_app请参阅此处的文档: https : //cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/python/console/? csw =1#delete_app

I was evaluating if we could use AppEngine and ran the standard tutorial which created a test app for me under my the default project.我正在评估我们是否可以使用 AppEngine 并运行标准教程,该教程在我的默认项目下为我创建了一个测试应用程序。 When I tried to delete the App I was shocked that it can't be done !当我试图删除该应用程序时,我震惊地发现它无法完成! The only way is to delete the project which would delete all other GKE and any other services under that account.唯一的方法是删除项目,这将删除该帐户下的所有其他 GKE 和任何其他服务。

After a bunch of research and calling product support of Google this what they suggested: To upgrade to Silver Support for 150$/month and send them an email to delete the app.经过大量研究并致电 Google 的产品支持,他们建议:以 150 美元/月的价格升级到 Silver Support,并向他们发送电子邮件以删除该应用程序。

Here is the chat session with Google Support.这是与 Google 支持人员的聊天会话。 If you were considering using Google AppEngine I would think again.如果您正在考虑使用 Google AppEngine,我会再考虑一下。


Beyond disabling the App Engine application you can:除了禁用 App Engine 应用程序,您还可以:

  • Disable it's API permission under APIs & ServicesAPIs & Services下禁用它的 API 权限
  • Remove the App Engine related files from StorageStorage删除 App Engine 相关文件
  • Delete App Engine permissions under IAM & Admin删除IAM & Admin下的 App Engine 权限
  • Delete the App Engine Service account删除 App Engine Service account

This will freeze all App Engine related billing charges for the undeletable disabled App engine application.这将冻结不可删除的已禁用 App Engine 应用程序的所有 App Engine 相关账单费用。 At least it worked for me :)至少它对我有用:)

Carlos, you're right that the issue has been fixed, and I up-voted you for that.卡洛斯,你说得对,问题已经解决,我为你投了赞成票。 However, your link is a little outdated and an updated link is listed below.但是,您的链接有点过时,下面列出了更新的链接。 https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/adminconsole/applicationsettings#Disable_or_Delete_Your_Application https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/adminconsole/applicationsettings#Disable_or_Delete_Your_Application

打开https://console.cloud.google.com/cloud-resource-manager?organizationId=0 ,选择要删除的项目(或应用),然后点击delete

I wanted to delete some legacy Google App Engine applications I made years ago, but when I tried to delete them from the new Google Cloud Platform (like this: https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/6251787#shut-down-a-project ) I kept getting "You do not have permission" errors.我想删除几年前创建的一些旧版 Google App Engine 应用程序,但是当我尝试从新的 Google Cloud Platform 中删除它们时(例如: https : //support.google.com/cloud/answer/6251787#shut- down-a-project )我不断收到“您没有权限”的错误消息。 The solution I found was to sign up for a free trial of Google Cloud Platform, then I was able to delete them.我找到的解决方案是注册 Google Cloud Platform 的免费试用版,然后我就可以删除它们。

I couldn't find to delete the default app-engine, however if you navigate to App Engine > Settings, there is a button to Disable it and it stop serving.我找不到删除默认应用程序引擎的方法,但是如果您导航到 App Engine > 设置,则会有一个禁用它的按钮,它会停止服务。 when you click on the button type the project name in the prompt.当您单击按钮时,在提示中键入项目名称。




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