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[英]Multi-Thread Programming

Is there a function call that can associate with a specific thread to make the thread run or wait? 是否存在可以与特定线程关联以使该线程运行或等待的函数调用? I have 4 threads in my program and I am trying to figure out a way to tell any one of the threads to wait or run when I want them to. 我的程序中有4个线程,我试图找出一种方法来告诉任何一个线程在需要时等待或运行。

Your question is quite general. 您的问题很笼统。 It really comes down to: Review the pthreads documentation. 真正可以归结为:查阅pthreads文档。

If what you want is to have thread A wait for thread B to finish, check out pthread_join() . 如果要让线程A等待线程B完成,请签出pthread_join()

If what you want is to have thread A wait until thread B says it's okay to continue, you will need a mutex and a conditional variable. 如果要使线程A等待直到线程B认为可以继续,则需要一个互斥量和一个条件变量。 Check out pthread_cond_wait() and associated functions. 检出pthread_cond_wait()和相关函数。

A common mechanism for handling multiple threads is a master/slave approach where one thread hands off tasks for others to perform. 处理多线程的一种常见机制是主/从方法,其中一个线程将任务交由其他线程执行。 The crux to this style, which I think is what you're getting at, is to realize that even in the slave threads, each thread inherently has total control over its own execution . 我认为,要达到的这种风格的症结在于, 即使在从属线程中,每个线程也固有地完全控制自己的执行 The master doesn't really "force" the other threads to do anything, the master can make a request but the slave thread must voluntarily accept direction from the master... hrm... so maybe master/slave is a misnomer here... Anyway, The common solution for the slave threads is in pseudocode 主服务器并没有真正“强迫”其他线程执行任何操作,主服务器可以发出请求,但从属线程必须自愿接受主服务器的指示。 ..无论如何,从属线程的常见解决方案是伪代码

while (!should_exit):
    while (!have_something_to_do):

You can implement this strategy quite easily in C using a structure like the following (I'm resorting to pseudo-c-ish code for the example's sake though) 您可以使用如下结构在C语言中轻松实现此策略(不过,出于示例的原因,我还是采用伪C-ish代码)

struct Slave {
    Mutex              thread_lock;
    ConditionVariable  thread_cv;
    int                exit_flag;
    void             (*thread_operation)();

void slave_thread( Slave * slave ) {
    while( !exit_flag )
        lock( thread_lock );
        while( slave->thread_operation == NULL )
            slave->thread_cv.wait( thread_lock );
        unlock( thread_lock );
        (*slave->thread_operation)(); // do the master's bidding...

void master_thread()
   Slave slave1;
   Slave slave2;

   slave1.thread_operation = NULL;
   slave2.thread_operation = NULL;

   // create the threads. They'll immediately block on the condition variable

   slave1.thread_operation = some_function_pointer;
   slave2.thread_operation = some_other_function_pointer;

   notify_one( slave1.thread_cv ) // Now that the function pointers are set, wake
   notify_one( slave2.thread_cv ) // the slave threads


It's an overly simplistic example, of course, but hopefully it'll give you the general idea. 当然,这是一个过于简单的示例,但希望它将为您提供总体思路。

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