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[英]No_data_found exception is propagating to outer block also?

In my code i am entering the salary which is not available in employees table and then again inserting duplicate employee_id in primary key column of employee table in exception block where i am handling no data found exception but i do not why No data found exception in the end also? 在我的代码我正在进入的工资是不是在员工表中可用,然后重新插入在employee表的主键列重复雇员标识异常块我在哪里处理任何数据发现异常,但我不为什么No data found异常的结还?

OUTPUT coming: 输出即将到来:

Enter some other sal
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("SCOTT"."EMPLOYEES"."LAST_NAME")
ORA-01403: no data found  --This should not come according to logic

This is the code: 这是代码:

v_sal number:=&p_sal;
v_num number;
            select salary INTO v_num from employees where salary=v_sal;
           WHEN no_data_found THEN
                   DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Enter some other sal');

           INSERT INTO employees (employee_id)values(100) ;

The behaviour is that errors hurled in the EXCEPTIONS block get concatenated to SQLERRM, and hence propagated upwards. 行为是,在EXCEPTIONS块中引发的错误被串联到SQLERRM,因此向上传播。 I grant you it is not documented but we can clearly see it here: 我同意你没有记载,但我们可以在这里清楚地看到它:

SQL> declare
  2      v_sal t23.sal%type := 230;
  3      l_num t23.sal%type;
  4  begin
  5      begin
  6          begin
  7              select sal into l_num
  8              from t23 where sal = v_sal;
  9          exception
 10              when no_data_found then
 11                  dbms_output.put_line('inner exception::'||sqlerrm);
 12                  insert into t23  values (99, 'MR KNOX', v_sal);
 13          end;
 14      exception
 15          when dup_val_on_index then
 16              dbms_output.put_line('middle exception::'||sqlerrm);
 17              insert into t23 (id, sal) values (99, v_sal);
 18      end;
 19  exception
 20      when others then
 21          dbms_output.put_line('outer exception::'||sqlerrm);
 22  end;
 23  /
inner exception::ORA-01403: no data found
middle exception::ORA-00001: unique constraint (APC.T23_PK) violated
ORA-01403: no data found
outer exception::ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("APC"."T23"."LAST_NAME")
ORA-00001: unique constraint (APC.T23_PK) violated
ORA-01403: no data found

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


Note: if there is a nested exception block which successfully handles the thrown exception it is not concatenated to SQLERRM. 注意:如果有一个嵌套的异常块可以成功处理引发的异常,则该异常块不会连接到SQLERRM。 That is, the SQLERRM consists of a stack of unsucessfully handled exceptions. 也就是说,SQLERRM由未成功处理的异常堆栈组成。

In your exception block you try to insert into employees , but do not set the column last_name , which is not NULL -able. 在您的异常块中,您尝试插入employees ,但不要设置last_name列,该列不可为NULL

ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("SCOTT"."EMPLOYEES"."LAST_NAME") ORA-01400:无法将NULL插入(“ SCOTT”。“ EMPLOYEES”。“ LAST_NAME”)

The ORA-01403: no data found is part of the stack-trace, caused by your failed select. ORA-01403: no data found是堆栈跟踪的一部分,这是由您的选择失败引起的。

You can either define DEFAULT values for all not-nullable columns or change your insert: 您可以为所有不可为空的列定义DEFAULT值,也可以更改插入内容:

INSERT INTO employees (employee_id, last_name, ...) Values (100, 'Scott', ...);

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