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[英]How can I use Awk inside a Perl script?

I'm having trouble using the following code inside my Perl script, any advise is really appreciated, how to correct the syntax? 我在Perl脚本中使用以下代码时遇到麻烦,请多多指教,如何更正语法?

# If I execute in bash, it's working just fine

bash$ whois google.com | egrep "\w+([._-]\w)*@\w+([._-]\w)*\.\w{2,4}" |awk ' {for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if ( $i ~ /[[:alpha:]]@[[:alpha:]]/ )  { print $i}}}'|head -n1



#but this doesn't work 

bash$ ./email.pl google.com
awk:  {for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if (  ~ /[[:alpha:]]@[[:alpha:]]/ )  { print }}}
awk:                              ^ syntax error

# Here is my script
bash$ cat email.pl 

$input = lc shift @ARGV;

$host = $input;

my $email = `whois $host | egrep "\w+([._-]\w)*@\w+([._-]\w)*\.\w{2,4}" |awk ' {for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if ( $i ~ /[[:alpha:]]@[[:alpha:]]/ )  { print $i}}}'|head -1`;
print my $email;


use a module such as Net::Whois if you want to code in Perl. 如果要在Perl中进行编码,请使用诸如Net :: Whois之类的模块。 Search CPAN for more such modules dealing with networking. 在CPAN中搜索有关网络的更多此类模块。 If you want to use just Perl without a module, you can try this (note you don't have to use egrep/awk anymore, since Perl has its own grepping and string manipulation facilities ) 如果您只想使用不带模块的Perl,可以尝试一下(请注意,由于Perl拥有自己的grepping和字符串操作工具,因此您不必再使用egrep / awk)

   open(WHOIS, "whois google.com |")    || die "can't fork whois: $!";
   while (<WHOIS>) {

       print "--> $_\n";  # do something to with regex to get your email address
   close(WHOISE)                      || die "can't close whois: $!";


echo 'your awk script' | a2p

As mentioned by others, backticks interpolate, so its tripping on the $ 's. 正如其他人所提到的,反引号会插值,因此它会在$上跳闸。 You could escape them all, or you could use single quotes like so: 您可以将它们全部转义,或者可以使用单引号,如下所示:

open my $pipe, "-|", q[whois google.com | egrep ... |head -n1];
my $result = join "", <$pipe>;
close $pipe;

This takes advantage of open 's ability to open a pipe. 这利用了open的能力来打开管道。 The -| -| indicates the filehandle $pipe should be attached to the output of the command. 指示文件句柄$pipe应该附加到命令的输出。 The chief advantage here is you can choose your quoting type, q[] is equivalent to single-quotes and not interpolated so you don't have to escape things. 这里的主要优点是您可以选择引用类型, q[]等效于单引号,并且没有插值,因此您不必转义。

But oh god, pasting an awk script into Perl is kind of silly and brittle. 但是,天哪,将awk脚本粘贴到Perl中有点愚蠢而脆弱。 Either use a module like Net::Whois, or do the whois scraping in Perl, possibly taking advantage of things like Email::Find, or just write it as a bash script. 使用Net :: Whois之类的模块,或者在Perl中进行whois抓取,可能利用Email :: Find之类的优势,或者仅将其编写为bash脚本。 Your Perl script isn't doing much in Perl as it stands. 就目前而言,您的Perl脚本在Perl中的作用不大。

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