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Asp.Net MVC与Java MVC框架相比如何?

[英]How does Asp.Net MVC compare to Java MVC frameworks

I've started my career as a Java developer, then moved to Asp.NET and recently to the Asp.Net MVC, which I like a lot. 我的职业生涯始于Java开发人员,然后转到Asp.NET,最近转到Asp.Net MVC,我非常喜欢。 When developing in Java I used Struts1, which I remember as a hideous framework with loads of XML. 在使用Java开发时,我使用了Struts1,我记得它是一个带有大量XML的可怕框架。 Now I suspect that Java MVC frameworks have moved on from the Struts times. 现在我怀疑Java MVC框架已经从Struts时代开始了。 So how do modern Java MVC frameworks compare to the ASP.Net MVC? 那么现代Java MVC框架与ASP.Net MVC相比如何? Which one of them is the most similar to the Asp.Net MVC? 哪一个与Asp.Net MVC最相似?

Play is very good example of MVC framework. Play是MVC框架的一个很好的例子。 Even more then convension-over-configuration principle i like its short edit-run cycle. 甚至更多的是对称配置原则我喜欢它的简短编辑运行周期。 Another good example of MVC framework on JVM with short edit-run cycle is Grails , though it's for Groovy langauge, not Java itself. 在JVM上使用简短的编辑运行周期的MVC框架的另一个很好的例子是Grails ,虽然它是针对Groovy langauge而不是Java本身。

The main advantage of Asp.Net MVC compared to java frameworks is the simplicity that is achieved through convention over configuration 与Java框架相比,Asp.Net MVC的主要优点是通过约定优于配置实现的简单性

Edit: I had a look into http://www.playframework.org/ and it looks quiet simple just like Asp.Net mvc. 编辑:我看了一下http://www.playframework.org/ ,它看起来很安静,就像Asp.Net mvc一样。

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