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[英]JavaScript caching, Rails and Apache passenger?

I have written a Capistrano recipe to remove the all.js cached JavaScript file and tell the server to restart, but it still doesn't work right. 我写了一个Capistrano配方来删除all.js缓存的JavaScript文件并告诉服务器重新启动,但它仍然无法正常工作。 And inevitably I have to go manually delete the all.js file and then manually restart Apache. 并且我不得不手动删除all.js文件,然后手动重启Apache。 (touching restart.txt doesn't always work). (触摸restart.txt并不总是有效)。

Anybody have a working solution to this problem? 有人有解决这个问题的工作方法吗?

Here is the current recipe: 这是当前的食谱:

desc "Package Javascripts"  
    task :package_javascripts, :roles => :web do
      sudo %{rm -f #{current_path}/public/javascripts/all.js}
      javascripts.each do |javascript|
        run %{/usr/bin/ruby #{current_path}/lib/jsmin.rb < \
              #{current_path}/public/javascripts/#{javascript}.js >> \
      run "touch #{current_path}/tmp/restart.txt"

Did you linked you task somewhere: 你有没有把你的任务链接到某处:

after "deploy:symlink", :package_javascripts

Also change restart line to: 同时将重启行更改为:

run "rm -f #{current_path}/tmp/restart.txt ; touch #{current_path}/tmp/restart.txt"

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