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[英]Incrmenting a Cookies with PHP (Beginner Question)

I have used sessions before but never cookies. 我之前使用过会话,但从未使用过cookie。 I would like to use cookies for two reasons: 我想使用Cookie有两个原因:
1) it's something new to learn 1)这是新知识
2) I would like to have the cookie expire in an hour or so (i know in the code example it expires in 40 sec) 2)我想让Cookie在一个小时左右过期(我在代码示例中知道它在40秒后过期)

I am trying to write a basic if statement that 我正在尝试写一个基本的if语句

      if($counter=="1") { //do this second 
        elseif ($counter >="2") { //do this every time after the first and second
        else {// this is the first action as counter is zero

Here is the code I'm using to set the cookie: 这是我用来设置cookie的代码:

 // if cookie doesnt exsist, set the default
    if(!isset($_COOKIE["counter_cookie"])) {
        $counter = setcookie("counter_cookie", 0 ,time()+40);


    // increment it

    // save it
     setcookie("counter_cookie", $counter,time()+40);
     $counter = $_COOKIE["counter_cookie"];

The problem is that the counter will be set from 0 to 1 but won't be set from 1 to 2 and so on. 问题是计数器将设置为0到1,但不会设置为1到2,依此类推。 Any help would be great I know this is a really simple stupid question :| 任何帮助都会很棒,我知道这是一个非常简单的愚蠢问题:

Thanks! 谢谢!

The problem is most likely related to this line: 问题很可能与以下行有关:

$counter = setcookie("counter_cookie", 0 ,time()+40);

It appears you are expecting setcookie to return a value, but that isn't going to happen. 看来您期望setcookie返回一个值,但这不会发生。 Instead, setcookie will simply return a boolean true on success and false on failure. 相反,setcookie将仅在成功时返回布尔值true,而在失败时返回false。

http://php.net/manual/en/function.setcookie.php http://php.net/manual/zh/function.setcookie.php

You could try rewriting it like this to achieve the desired effect: 您可以尝试像这样重写它以获得所需的效果:

  $counter = $_COOKIE["counter_cookie"];
  $counter = 0;
setcookie("counter_cookie", $counter ,time()+40);

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