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[英]Fastest way to make a dict a single comma-separated string

I have a list of 我有一个清单

uids: ['1234','4321','1111'] 

and I would like to turn this into a single string of: 我想把它变成一个字符串:

"uid = '1234' OR uid = '4321' OR uid = '1111'"

What's the most efficient way to do this? 最有效的方法是什么? Thanks! 谢谢!

' OR '.join("uid = '%s'" % u for u in uids)

This invokes the join function on the string ' OR ' , which takes the list passed in and puts the string in between each element, then concatenates them all together. 这将在字符串' OR '上调用join函数,该函数接收传入的列表并将字符串放入每个元素之间,然后将它们全部串联在一起。 (Used to put the ORs in between each key=val pair.) (用于将OR置于每个key = val对之间。)

The part inside the () is a comprehension that says "for each u in the uids list, generate a value equal to the string "uid = '%s'" , but substitute in u instead of the %s marker". ()的部分是一个理解,表示“对于uids列表中的每个u ,生成一个等于字符串"uid = '%s'" ,但用u代替%s标记”。

If—as Mike and Thomas mention in the comments—you need this for a database query, you should take Thomas' advice and use the DB-API . 如Mike和Thomas在评论中提到的那样,如果您需要数据库查询,则应该听Thomas的建议并使用DB-API

Here are two examples: 这是两个示例:


import MySQLdb
conn = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='u', passwd='p', db='mydb')
curs = conn.cursor()
uids = [1234,4321,1111]
qry = ("""SELECT cheese 
            FROM cheeseshop 
           WHERE id IN (%s)""" % ','.join(['%s']*len(uids)))
# 'SELECT cheese FROM cheeseshop WHERE id IN (%s,%s,%s)'
curs.execute(qry, uids)
# ...

SQLite SQLite的

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
curs = conn.cursor()
uids = [1234,4321,1111]
qry = ("""SELECT cheese 
            FROM cheeseshop 
           WHERE id IN (%s)""" % ','.join('?'*len(uids)))
# 'SELECT cheese FROM cheeseshop WHERE id IN (?,?,?)'
curs.execute(qry, uids)
# ...

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