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[英]How do I draw a circle and line in the picturebox?



    private void pictureBox1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            new Pen(Color.Red,2f), 
            new Point(0,0), 
            new Point(pictureBox1.Size.Width, pictureBox1.Size.Height ));

            new Pen(Color.Red, 2f),
            0,0, pictureBox1.Size.Width, pictureBox1.Size.Height  );

Handle the paint event of the picture box and do your custom drawing there.处理图片框的绘制事件并在那里进行自定义绘图。

The best way is to NOT draw a circle and line in a picturebox!最好的方法是不要在图片框中画圆和线! It is not designed for that purpose.它不是为此目的而设计的。

From Bob Powell's GDI+ blog:来自 Bob Powell 的 GDI+ 博客:

The root of this problem is that the fundamental rules of windows programming have been broken.这个问题的根源在于windows编程的基本规则被打破了。 And as a consequence of the picture box is blamed for something that's really not its fault.由于图片框被归咎于真正不是它的错的东西。 To help explain why, the four points below outline what's gone wrong in this case.为了帮助解释原因,以下四点概述了在这种情况下出了什么问题。

  • The PictureBox control is for displaying images. PictureBox 控件用于显示图像。 It is not a handy placeholder for a graphics surface.它不是图形表面的方便占位符。

  • Windows is an event driven system in which each event must be serviced in the correct context and events destined to handle button click or mouse move events must not be used to do drawing on screen or other weird stuff. Windows 是一个事件驱动系统,其中每个事件都必须在正确的上下文中提供服务,并且注定要处理按钮单击或鼠标移动事件的事件不得用于在屏幕上绘制或其他奇怪的东西。

  • The PictureBox refreshes itself by drawing the System.Drawing.Image based object stored in it's Image property. PictureBox 通过绘制存储在它的 Image 属性中的基于 System.Drawing.Image 的对象来刷新自身。 If there is no image, it will show the background colour.如果没有图像,它将显示背景颜色。

  • Stealing and drawing upon the Graphics object of any control is not good practice, should be strongly discouraged and breaks the rules of handling events in the right place at the right time.窃取和绘制任何控件的 Graphics 对象都不是好的做法,应该强烈劝阻并违反在正确的时间在正确的位置处理事件的规则。 Basically if you do this it will cause you pain.基本上,如果你这样做,它会给你带来痛苦。 When you bang your head against a wall it causes you pain.当你用头撞墙时,它会让你感到疼痛。 that is a sign that you should stop doing it.这是你应该停止这样做的标志。 It's the same for the PictureBox.CreateGraphics call. PictureBox.CreateGraphics 调用也是如此。

The right way to do it.正确的做法。

Following the rules of the event driven system is easy but requires a little forethought.遵循事件驱动系统的规则很容易,但需要一些深谋远虑。 So, if you want to draw some little bit of graphics and have it remain there when a window moves in front of it and away again or when you minimize and restore, you have to service the Paint event of whatever object it is that you wish to paint on.因此,如果您想绘制一些图形,并在窗口在它前面移动并再次移开或最小化和恢复时将其保留在那里,则必须为您希望的任何对象的 Paint 事件提供服务涂上。 The PictureBox carries baggage around with it that is unnecessary for this kind of application. PictureBox 随身携带着这种应用程序不需要的包袱。 If you just want to draw something in one place, draw it on the form by responding to the Form.Paint event.如果您只想在一个地方绘制某些东西,请通过响应 Form.Paint 事件在表单上绘制它。 If you want a handy placeholder for a graphic that works within a set bounds, use a Panel control and service it's Paint event.如果您想要一个方便的占位符用于在设置范围内工作的图形,请使用 Panel 控件并为其提供 Paint 事件。 If you want to duplicate a graphic over and over for your corporate image, create a control and do the drawing in the OnPaint override.如果您想为您的企业形象一遍又一遍地复制图形,请创建一个控件并在 OnPaint 覆盖中进行绘图。

Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20120330003635/http://bobpowell.net/picturebox.htm (the original site is defunct).来源: https : //web.archive.org/web/20120330003635/http : //bobpowell.net/picturebox.htm (原站点已不存在)。

the picturebox is a control and has an image as source - so you have to draw on the image and hand the image to the control to show it图片框是一个控件,并有一个图像作为源 - 所以你必须在图像上绘制并将图像交给控件以显示它

MyImage = new Bitmap(fileToDisplay);
pictureBox1.ClientSize = new Size(xSize, ySize);
pictureBox1.Image = MyImage;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Asssignment
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()


        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();
            Pen p = new Pen(Color.Blue);
            int radius = 200;
            int x =Width/2;
            int y =Height/2;

            int first_point1 = (int)(Math.Cos(0) * radius + x);
            int first_point2 = (int)(Math.Sin(0) * radius + y);

            Point p1= new Point(first_point1,first_point2);
            for(int i=1;i<500; i++)
                int dx = (int)(Math.Cos(i)*radius+x );
                int dy = (int)(Math.Sin(i)*radius+y );
                Point p2 = new Point(dx, dy);
                g.DrawLine(p, p1, p2);
                p1 = p2;

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