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[英]Adding program to mingw32's “path”

I am running a rails app locally through NetBeans which seems to be running ruby through mingw32. 我正在通过NetBeans在本地运行Rails应用程序,该应用程序似乎正在通过mingw32运行ruby。 I'm trying to do a system call to lame, which works fine using just irb, but this particular setup can't find it! 我正在尝试对lame进行系统调用,仅使用irb即可正常运行,但此特定设置找不到它!

What can I do to tell mingw/this instance of rails where lame is? 我该怎么做才能告诉mingw /这个实例中la脚在哪里?

Not really a solution to what I asked, but by using 并不是我所要求的真正解决方案,而是通过使用

system "c:/lame/lame.exe input.wav output.mp3"

I was able to get what I wanted 我能够得到我想要的

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