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[英]Javascript : Submitting a form outside the actual form doesn't work

I'm trying to achieve a fairly easy triggering mechanism for deleting multiple items from a tablegrid. 我正在尝试实现一种相当简单的触发机制,用于从tablegrid中删除多个项目。 If a user has enough access he/she is able to delete multiple users from a table. 如果用户具有足够的访问权限,则他/她可以从表中删除多个用户。 In the table I have set up checkboxes, one per row/user. 在表中,我设置了复选框,每行/用户一个。 The name of the checkboxes is UsersToDeletep[] , and the value per row is the unique UserID . 复选框的名称是UsersToDeletep[] ,每行的值是唯一的UserID

When a user clicks the button 'Delete selected users' a simple validation takes place to make sure at least one checkbox is selected. 当用户单击“删除选定的用户”按钮时,将进行简单的验证,以确保至少选中了一个复选框。 After that I call my simple function Submit(form) . 之后,我调用我的简单函数Submit(form) The function works perfectly when called within the form -tags, where I also use it to delete a single user. 当在-tags form调用该函数时,该函数运行完美,在这里我也使用它删除单个用户。

The function: 功能:

function Submit(form)

I've also alerted document.forms[form] . 我还提醒了document.forms[form] The result is, as expected [object HTMLFormElement] . 结果与预期的一样[object HTMLFormElement] But for some reason the form just won't submit and a pagereload takes place. 但是由于某种原因,表单不会提交,因此发生了pagereload。 I'm a bit confused and can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. 我有些困惑,似乎无法弄清楚我在做什么。

Update 更新资料

As requested: the calling-code: 根据要求:调用代码:

The code placed within onclick="javascript:" : 放在onclick="javascript:"的代码:

if(CheckMinimumCheckedCheckboxes('FormUserList', 1) == true)
    if(confirm('Weet u zeker dat u de geselecteerde gebruiker(s) wilt verwijderen?')) 
    alert('U dient minimaal 1 gebruiker te selecteren welke u wilt verwijderen.'); 

Separate functions in an external JS-file. 外部JS文件中的单独功能。

function CheckMinimumCheckedCheckboxes(formName, minAmount)
    var totalChecked = 0;
    var totalElements = document.forms[formName].length;

    for(i = 0; i < totalElements; i++)
        if(document.forms[formName][i].checked == true)     

    if(totalChecked >= minAmount)
        return true;

    return false;

function Submit(form)

Never, ever, ever place an empty 'href=""' in your links and think you will fill it in later while later you decide to handle the link-element by an onclick-eventhandler... Seriously, it can save you hours of silly testing. 永远不要曾经在您的链接中放置一个空的'href =“”'并认为您稍后会填充它,而稍后您决定由onclick-eventhandler处理该链接元素...认真地说,它可以节省您的时间愚蠢的测试。 :/ :/

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