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IIS 6.0中的批量导入301重定向

[英]Bulk import 301 redirects in IIS 6.0

Is there a mechanism, or any additional tools that I can make use of to bulk import 301 redirect rules into an IIS6.0 web application? 我是否可以使用某种机制或任何其他工具将301重定向规则批量导入到IIS6.0 Web应用程序中? I want to be able to 301 redirect some old .htm pages to their new home on a CMS to ensure the current search index entries resolve OK and don't 404, but there are roughly ~50 pages. 我希望能够将某些旧的.htm页面重定向到CMS上的新主页,以确保当前的搜索索引条目可以解析为OK,而不是404,但是大约有50个页面。 The only way I've found to achieve this is to create dummy .htm files and then right click on the file->File tab->Redirect to a URL radio button within the IIS MMC snapin, which is a little laborious over the number of pages. 我发现达到此目的的唯一方法是创建虚拟的.htm文件,然后右键单击IIS MMC管理单元中的文件->文件选项卡->重定向到URL单选按钮,此操作有点麻烦页。

Thanks. 谢谢。

After a little head scratching, I went for Ionic's Isapi Rewrite Filter at http://iirf.codeplex.com/ . 挠了一下头后,我去了http://iirf.codeplex.com/上的 Ionic的Isapi Rewrite Filter。 This allowed me to create a .htaccess-like file with the 50-odd redirects in it, and didn't require me to have dummy .htm files littered within the web application. 这使我可以创建一个带有50多个重定向的.htaccess式文件,并且不需要我在Web应用程序中乱扔一些虚拟的.htm文件。

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