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[英]Vim error E492: Not an editor command: dd

I started learning vim today and installed it using 我今天开始学习vim并使用

sudo apt-get install vim

Now, when I try to do something like :5dd it gives me the not an editor command error. 现在,当我尝试执行:5dd之类的:5dd它显示的不是编辑器命令错误。 I'm not sure why this is. 我不确定为什么会这样。

Am I doing anything wrong? 我做错什么了吗? I looked at tutorials and everywhere I look I see that 5dd is a valid command. 我看了教程,到处都看到5dd是有效的命令。

:5dd is not the same as just 5dd . :5dd5dd You use 5dd in normal mode to delete 5 lines, you can use :5delete or just :5d to do the same thing as a command. 普通模式下使用5dd可以删除5行,可以使用:5delete:5d来完成与命令相同的操作。

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