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从JBoss Web服务访问文件(用于写入)

[英]Accessing a file (for writing) from a JBoss Web Service

Let's say I have this structure of my Java Web Application: 假设我具有Java Web应用程序的以下结构:

  -- [Web Pages]
  -- -- abc.txt
  -- -- index.jsp
  -- [Source Packages]
  -- -- [wservices]
  -- -- -- WS.java

WS.java is my Web Service, which is situated in a wservices package. WS.java是我的Web服务,位于wservices包中。 Now from this service, I need to access the abc.txt file and write to it. 现在,通过此服务,我需要访问abc.txt文件并对其进行写入。

These are my urls: 这些是我的网址:  <- the webservice <- the file I want to access

To read the file, I tried with getResourceAsStream and I was successful in reading from it. 要读取文件,我尝试使用getResourceAsStream并成功读取了该文件。 But now I also want to write to this file, and I tried such a method but failed. 但是现在我也想写这个文件, 尝试了这种方法但是失败了。

Is there a way I can get access to the abc.txt file from WS.java and be able to successfully read from and write to it? 有没有一种方法可以使我从WS.java访问abc.txt文件,并且能够成功读取和写入该文件?

You must locate the file first, and open a File object on it which you can then use as usual. 您必须首先找到该文件,然后在其上打开一个File对象,然后可以照常使用它。 Start with the URL returned by "getResource" and work your way from there. 从“ getResource”返回的URL开始,然后从那里开始。

Note: This trick makes assumptions on how the way the application server deploys your WAR-file, and will make it non-portable. 注意:此技巧将对应用程序服务器部署WAR文件的方式做出假设,并将使其不可移植。

well, access for reading is possible. 好吧,可以阅读。 You can get access to it by accessing file from the following path: (I'm assuming that your web service is packed inside of the WAR file) 您可以通过从以下路径访问文件来访问它:(我假设您的Web服务打包在WAR文件中)

private WebServiceContext context;
// receive the realpath to foo.txt inside of web-archive deployment
((ServletContext )context.getMessageContext().get(MessageContext.SERVLET_CONTEXT)).getRealPath("foo.txt")

But writting there is a bad idea in general - JBOSS will unpack your application to some tmp folder. 但是写一个总的来说是个坏主意-JBOSS会将您的应用程序解压缩到一些tmp文件夹中。 So every time your application restarts you'll receive the new foo.txt 因此,每次您的应用程序重新启动时,您都会收到新的foo.txt

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