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[英]Can someone explain this javascript code to me?

var vTableExp = "//a[contains(@href,'newdid')]/ancestor::td/ancestor::tr/ancestor::tbody";
var vTable = dom.find(vTableExp, XPFirst);

thanks 谢谢

这是针对DOMXPATH搜索,以寻找包装<TBODY>元素的元素,这些元素具有后代<a>href包含“ newdid”。

It finds the first tbody which is an ancestor of aa tr element which is an ancestor of a td element which is an ancestor of an a element whose href contains the string newdid . 它找到第一个tbody ,它是aa tr元素的祖先,它是td元素的祖先, td元素是href包含字符串newdid a元素的祖先。 (IOW, assuming that the parsed document is (X)HTML, select the body of the first table that has a cell containing a link whose address contains the string newdid .) (IOW,假设已分析的文档是(X)HTML,请选择第一个表的正文,该表的主体具有一个包含链接的单元格,该链接的地址包含字符串newdid 。)


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