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[英]searchlogic and virtual attributes

Let's say I have the following model: 假设我有以下型号:

Person <AR
 def name
  [self.first_name,self.middle_name,self.last_name].select{|n| n.present?}.join(' ')

How could I do a search on the virtual attribute with searchlogic, something like: 如何使用searchlogic对虚拟属性进行搜索,例如:

Person.search.name_like 'foo'

Of courese I could construct a large statement like: 当然,我可以构造一个大型语句,例如:

Person.search.first_name_like_or_last_name_like_or_... 'argh'

but surely there is a more elegant way. 但肯定有一种更优雅的方式。

Searchlogic can be combined with existing named scopes and must be in case of virtual attributes. Searchlogic可以与现有的命名范围结合使用,并且必须使用虚拟属性。 One such would be: 其中一种是:

 named_scope :name_like, lambda { |name| { :conditions => ['first_name LIKE  ? OR last_name LIKE ? OR middle_name LIKE ?', "%#{name}%","%#{name}%","%#{name}%"] }}

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