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[英]JavaMail Read Messages

Ok, so two questions. 好,有两个问题。 I'm able to access and read my new email inbox using javamail but: 我可以使用javamail访问和阅读我的新电子邮件收件箱,但是:

  1. If i try to read the messages already found by javamail, javamail seems not to be able to read them again. 如果我尝试读取javamail已经找到的消息,则javamail似乎无法再次读取它们。

  2. Javamail cant read messages with numbers in the subject. Javamail无法读取主题中带有数字的消息。

How can I make it so that both of these are possible? 我怎样才能做到这一切都是可能的?

Thank you 谢谢

UPDATE: Fixed question 1, I was using gmail and the setting needs to be configured so that the messages can be seen by JavaMail once opened. 更新:修复了问题1,我使用的是gmail,需要配置该设置,以便打开JavaMail即可看到邮件。 Still stuck on the second question though :( 仍然停留在第二个问题:(

You should be more specific with your question. 您应该更具体地回答您的问题。 You are using a POP3 provider? 您正在使用POP3提供程序? an IMAP one? 一个IMAP吗?

I use javamail and have processed millions of real world mails many of which certainly contain numbers in the subject, so I suspect it's not a javamail problem. 我使用javamail,已经处理了数百万个现实世界中的邮件,其中许多邮件中肯定包含数字,因此我怀疑这不是javamail的问题。

If you think so, add more data and stack traces etc 如果您这样认为,请添加更多数据和堆栈跟踪等

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