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SQL Server 2005 Express安装程序中的排序规则配置

[英]Collation configuration in SQL Server 2005 Express setup

I had to re-install my SQL Server 2005 Express instance due to a conflict with collations. 由于归类冲突,我不得不重新安装SQL Server 2005 Express实例。

Now, once in the setup, I can't see the SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI collation, I see "Latin1_General" instead, and I've been told is not the same. 现在,一旦完成设置,就看不到SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI排序规则,而是看到了“ Latin1_General”,并且被告知是不一样的。

Could you please tell me where I can find this? 你能告诉我在哪里可以找到这个吗?

The CI and AI bits mean "Case Insensitive" and "Accent Insenstive" (which are checkboxes in the installation dialog if I remember correctly). CI和AI位表示“不区分大小写”和“不区分大小写”(如果我没有记错的话,这是安装对话框中的复选框)。 The CP1 part is, I think, "Code Page 1" and refers to the US region whereas without CP1, it refers to the UK region (or maybe, more generally, non-US English) - this may also be a separate selection in the installation dialog. 我认为CP1部分是“代码页1”,指的是美国地区,而没有CP1的部分则指的是英国地区(或更广泛地说,可能是非美国英语),这也可能是一个单独的选择安装对话框。

If you don't se these options, it will default to the codepage most suitable for the system default international settings in Windows (note: this may not be the same as your profile's international settings) at the time of installation . 如果你不瑟这些选项,将默认为最适合在Windows 系统默认设置中的代码页(注:这可能是不一样的您的个人资料的国际设置) 在安装时间 You can change these (both yours and the system default) via the control panel. 您可以通过控制面板更改这些设置(包括您的设置和系统默认设置)。


I've downloaded and run through the installation for SQL Server Express 2005 (SP3)... 我已经下载并运行了SQL Server Express 2005(SP3)的安装...

I deselected "Hide advanced configuration options" on the "Registration Information" page (but not sure if this was necessary). 我在“注册信息”页面上取消选择“隐藏高级配置选项”(但不确定是否有必要)。 On the Collation Settings" page I selected "SQL collations (used for compatibility...)" and then "Dictionary order, case-insensitive, accent-insensitive, for use with 1252 Character Set". Everything else was left on defaults. 在“排序规则设置”页面上,我选择了“ SQL排序规则(用于兼容性...)”,然后选择了“字典顺序,不区分大小写,不区分重音,与1252字符集一起使用”。其他所有设置均保留默认值。

The result was a SQL Server Express 2005 installation using the SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI collation. 结果是使用SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI排序规则安装了SQL Server Express 2005。

More information on this topic can be found here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms180175.aspx 可以在这里找到有关此主题的更多信息: http : //msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms180175.aspx

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