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[英]Inserting Strings Without Trailing Spaces SQL

I have a database with a field named Field1 that has 100 nchars per entry. 我有一个数据库,名为Field1的字段每个条目具有100个nchar。 Each time I add a value, it is stored as: 每次添加一个值时,它都存储为:

"value     (100-ValueLength Spaces)        "

So Basically each stored value has a string of spaces after it. 因此,基本上每个存储值后面都有一串空格。 This is getting to be an issue when I try doing: 当我尝试这样做时,这将成为一个问题:

if (value == "Example")

because of all of the empty spaces after the string. 因为字符串后的所有空白。 How can I get it so the stored values don't have all of these trailing spaces? 我如何获得它,以便存储的值没有所有这些尾随空格?

If you want a variable-length string, use nvarchar(100) instead of nchar(100) . 如果要使用可变长度的字符串,请使用nvarchar(100)而不是nchar(100) The later always has 100 characters, the former can have up to 100 characters, but doesn't fill up the space. 后者总是有100个字符,前者最多可以有100个字符,但不占空间。

插入时使用sql LTRIMRTRIM函数。

Are you able to use a nvarchar, so that way there isnt padding added if you don't meet the required string length. 您是否可以使用nvarchar,这样,如果您不符合所需的字符串长度,就不会添加填充。 If so that might be better then constantly having to trim your string entry. 如果这样的话可能会更好,那么就必须不断调整字符串条目。

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