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[英]PHP: How to overwrite values in one array with values from another without adding new keys to the array?

I have an array with default settings, and one array with user-specified settings. 我有一个默认设置的数组,以及一个具有用户指定设置的数组。 I want to merge these two arrays so that the default settings gets overwritten with the user-specified ones. 我想合并这两个数组,以便用用户指定的数组覆盖默认设置。

I have tried to use array_merge , which does the overwriting like I want, but it also adds new settings if the user has specified settings that doesn't exist in the default ones. 我曾尝试使用array_merge ,它可以像我想的那样进行覆盖,但如果用户指定了默认设置中不存在的设置,它还会添加新设置。 Is there a better function I can use for this than array_merge ? 有没有比array_merge更好的功能呢? Or is there a function I can use to filter the user-specified array so that it only contains keys that also exist in the default settings array? 或者是否有一个函数可用于过滤用户指定的数组,以便它只包含默认设置数组中也存在的键?

Example of what I want 我想要的例子

$default = array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2);
$user = array('b' => 3, 'c' => 4);

// Somehow merge $user into $default so we end up with this:
    [a] => 1
    [b] => 3

You can actually just add two arrays together ( $user+$default ) instead of using array_merge . 实际上你可以只添加两个数组( $user+$default )而不是使用array_merge

If you want to stop any user settings that don't exist in the defaults you can use array_intersect_key : 如果要停止默认设置中不存在的任何用户设置,可以使用array_intersect_key

Returns an associative array containing all the entries of array1 which have keys that are present in all arguments 返回一个关联数组,其中包含array1的所有条目,这些条目具有所有参数中都存在的键

Example: 例:

$default = array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2);
$user = array('b' => 3, 'c' => 4);

// add any settings from $default to $user, then select only the keys in both arrays
$settings = array_intersect_key($user + $default, $default);


Results: 结果:

    [b] => 3
    [a] => 1

The keys/values (and order) are selected first from $user in the addition, which is why b comes before a in the array, there is no a in $user . 键/值(和顺序)从第一选择$user在加法,这就是为什么b到来之前a阵列中,没有a$user Any keys not defined in $user that are defined in $default will then be added to the end of $user . $user 定义的任何未在$default 定义的键将被添加到$user的末尾。 Then you remove any keys in $user + $default that aren't defined in $default . 然后删除$user + $default中未在$default定义的任何键。

It's probably simplest to just loop over the keys in the default-settings array, if you only want to consider those. 如果你只想考虑那些,那么在default-settings数组中循环键可能是最简单的。 So you can do something like this: 所以你可以这样做:

foreach ($default_settings AS $key => $default_value)
    if (array_key_exists($key, $user_settings))
        $combined_settings[$key] = $user_settings[$key];
        $combined_settings[$key] = $default_value;
foreach($default as $key=>$val){   
  if (isset($user[$key]))
    $settings[$key] = $user[$key];
  } else {
    $settings[$key] = $default[$key];

I think this is what you want. 我想这就是你想要的。

foreach($user_settings as $key=>$val){   
    $global_settings[$key] = $val; 


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