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[英]Mako templates inline if statement

I have a template variable, c.is_friend, that I would like to use to determine whether or not a class is applied. 我有一个模板变量c.is_friend,我想用它来确定是否应用了一个类。 For example: 例如:

if c.is_friend is True
<a href="#" class="friend">link</a>

if c.is_friend is False
<a href="#">link</a>

Is there some way to do this inline, like: 是否有某种方法可以内联,例如:

<a href="#" ${if c.is_friend is True}class="friend"{/if}>link</a>

Or something like that? 或类似的东西?


<a href="#" ${'class="friend"' if c.is_friend else ''}>link</a>

Easy Solution 轻松解决方案

You could do it like this: 你可以这样做:

<a href="#" 
% if c.is_friend is True:
% endif


Pay attention to the {} inside ${} ! 注意{}${}

The solution with the ternary operator mentioned by Jochen is also correct but can lead to unexpected behavior when combining with str.format() . 使用Jochen提到的三元运算符的解决方案也是正确的,但与str.format()结合时可能会导致意外行为。

You need to avoid {} inside Mako's ${} , because apparently Mako stops parsing the expression after finding the first } . 你需要在Mako的${}避免使用{} ,因为显然Mako在找到第一个}后停止解析表达式。 This means you shouldn't use for example: 这意味着您不应该使用例如:

  • ${'{}'.format(a_str)} . ${'{}'.format(a_str)} Instead use ${'%s' % a_str} . 而是使用${'%s' % a_str}
  • ${'%(first)s %(second)s' % {'first': a_str1, 'second': a_str2}} . ${'%(first)s %(second)s' % {'first': a_str1, 'second': a_str2}} Instead use 而是使用
    ${'%(first)s %(second)s' % dict(first=a_str1, second=a_str2)}

General Solution 一般解决方案

So for example if you need to come up with a more general solution, let's say you need to put a variable called relationship inside the class tag instead of a static string, you could do it like this with the old string formatting: 因此,例如,如果您需要提出更通用的解决方案,假设您需要在类标记内部而不是静态字符串中放置一个名为relationship的变量,您可以使用旧的字符串格式执行此操作:

<a href="#" ${'class="%s"' % relationship if c.has_relation is True else ''}>link</a>

or without string formatting: 或没有字符串格式:

<a href="#" 
% if c.has_relation is True:
% endif

This should work for Python 2.7+ and 3+ 这适用于Python 2.7+和3+

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