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[英]How to show an action sheet inside the popover?

I have a split View controller, in which the left side holds a table view controller. 我有一个拆分View控制器,左侧有一个表视图控制器。 How do I show an action sheet inside the popover when I click on the detail disclosure button of the table cell? 当我单击表格单元格的详细信息披露按钮时,如何在弹出窗口中显示操作表?

Try this : 试试这个 :

UIActionSheet *popupSheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc] initWithTitle:@"Title" 
                                          destructiveButtonTitle:@"No Way !" 

popupSheet.actionSheetStyle = UIActionSheetStyleBlackOpaque;
UIButton * disclosureButton = (UIButton *)cell.accessoryView;

[popupSheet showFromRect:disclosureButton.bounds inView:cell.accessoryView animated:YES];
[popupSheet release];

The UIActionSheet docs state that the showFromRect:inView:animated: method: UIActionSheet文档声明showFromRect:inView:animated:方法:

displays the action sheet in a popover whose arrow points to the specified rectangle of the view (in our case the detail disclosure button). 在弹出框中显示操作表,其中箭头指向视图的指定矩形(在我们的示例中为详细信息公开按钮)。 The popover does not overlap the specified rectangle. 弹出窗口不与指定的矩形重叠。

I use this for more advanced use: 我用这个用于更高级的用途:

  1. finds custom accesoryView (cell.accesoryView) 找到自定义accesoryView(cell.accesoryView)
  2. if empty, find generated accesoryView (UIButton) if cell has 如果为空,如果单元格有,则查找生成的accesoryView(UIButton)
  3. if the UIButton doesn't exists, find cell contet view (UITableViewCellContentView) 如果UIButton不存在,找到单元格上下文视图(UITableViewCellContentView)
  4. if the cell contet view doesn't exists, use cell view 如果单元格contet视图不存在,请使用单元格视图

Can be use for UIActionSheet or UIPopoverController . 可用于UIActionSheetUIPopoverController

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

UIView *accessoryView       = cell.accessoryView; // finds custom accesoryView (cell.accesoryView)
if (accessoryView == nil) {
    UIView *cellContentView = nil;

    for (UIView *accView in [cell subviews]) {
        if ([accView isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]]) {
            accessoryView   = accView; // find generated accesoryView (UIButton) 
        } else if ([accView isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"UITableViewCellContentView")]) {
            // find generated UITableViewCellContentView                
            cellContentView = accView; 
    // if the UIButton doesn't exists, find cell contet view (UITableViewCellContentView)           
    if (accessoryView == nil) { 
        accessoryView   = cellContentView; 
    // if the cell contet view doesn't exists, use cell view
    if (accessoryView == nil) {
        accessoryView   = cell; 

[actionSheet showFromRect:**accessoryView.bounds** inView:**accessoryView** animated:YES];

Tested in iOS 4.3 to 5.1 在iOS 4.3到5.1中测试过

Best to use as custom method: 最好用作自定义方法:


And method code: 方法代码:

-(UIView*)getViewForSheetAndPopUp:(UITableViewCell*)cell {
UIView *accessoryView = cell.accessoryView;

if (accessoryView == nil) {
    UIView *cellContentView = nil;

    for (UIView *accView in [cell subviews]) {
        if ([accView isKindOfClass:[UIButton class]]) {
            accessoryView = accView;
        } else if ([accView isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"UITableViewCellContentView")]) {              
            cellContentView = accView;

    if (accessoryView == nil) {
        accessoryView   = cellContentView;
    if (accessoryView == nil) {
        accessoryView   = cell;

return accessoryView;

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