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ASP.NET MVC FileNotFoundException错误

[英]ASP.NET MVC FileNotFoundException error

I'm having a weird error which is related to an earlier post. 我有一个与之前的帖子有关的奇怪错误。 I am checking if a file exists before downloading. 下载前我正在检查文件是否存在。 This works for PDFs, but not for any other type of document. 这适用于PDF,但不适用于任何其他类型的文档。

Here is my controller action and the typical path for a PDF and a PowerPoint file, the PowerPoint does not work, the File.Exists always returns false . 这是我的控制器操作,以及PDF和PowerPoint文件的典型路径,PowerPoint不起作用, File.Exists始终返回false Both files physically exist. 这两个文件实际上都存在。 This is quite baffling, as it results in a FileNotFoundException for non-PDFs. 这非常令人困惑,因为它会导致非PDF的FileNotFoundException

/Documents//FID//TestDoc//27a835a5-bf70-4599-8606-6af64b33945d/FIDClasses.pdf /Documents//FID//TestDoc//27a835a5-bf70-4599-8606-6af64b33945d/FIDClasses.pdf

~/Documents//FID//pptest//ce36e7a0-14de-41f3-8eb7-0d543c7146fe/PPttest.ppt 〜/ Documents // FID // pptest // ce36e7a0-14de-41f3-8eb7-0d543c7146fe / PPttest.ppt

The joke is that copying and pasting the file path into explorer leads to the file, so what could be the problem? 开玩笑的是,将文件路径复制并粘贴到资源管理器中会导致文件,那么可能是什么问题呢?

public ActionResult Download(int id)
    Document doc = _documentRepository.GetById(id);

    if (doc != null)
        if (System.IO.File.Exists(Server.MapPath(doc.filepath)))
            _downloadService.AddDownloadsForDocument(doc.document_id, _UserService.CurrentUser().user_id);
            return File(doc.filepath, doc.mimetype, doc.title);
    return RedirectToAction("Index");


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