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wpf datagrid当前项绑定

[英]wpf datagrid current item binding

I want to bind a content of a Label to the SelectedItem of a DataGrid . 我想将Label的内容绑定到DataGridSelectedItem

I thought the 'current item' binding expression would work, but it does not. 我认为'当前项'绑定表达式可以工作,但事实并非如此。

My xaml code and code-behind c# is like below: 我的xaml代码和代码隐藏c#如下所示:

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication2.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="512" Width="847">
    <DockPanel LastChildFill="True">
        <Label Content="{Binding Data/colA}" DockPanel.Dock="Top" Height="30"/>
        <DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"></DataGrid>

namespace WpfApplication2
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        public MainWindow()
            this.DataContext = new MyData();

    public class MyData
        DataTable data;
        public MyData()
            data = new DataTable();
            data.Rows.Add("aa", 1);
            data.Rows.Add("bb", 2);
        public DataTable Data { get { return data; } }

The label shows the first item of the DataTable , and does not change when I select other items on the DataGrid . 标签显示DataTable的第一项,当我在DataGrid上选择其他项时不会更改。 It seems the current item of DataView does not change. 似乎DataView的当前项不会改变。 What should I do to bind it to the current SelectedItem of the DataGrid ? 我该怎么做才能将它绑定到DataGrid的当前SelectedItem


<Label Content = "{Binding ElementName = DataGridName, Path = SelectedItem}"/>

The binding in your Label binds to Data independently of the DataGrid 's binding to Data . 在结合Label绑定到Data独立的DataGrid的结合Data Try: 尝试:

<Label Content="{Binding SelectedValue, ElementName=TheGrid}" />
<DataGrid x:Name="TheGrid" ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" />

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