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嵌套模板类的C ++非成员函数

[英]C++ non-member functions for nested template classes

I have been writing several class templates that contain nested iterator classes, for which an equality comparison is required. 我一直在写几个包含嵌套迭代器类的类模板,需要对它们进行相等性比较。 As I believe is fairly typical, the comparison is performed with a non-member (and non-friend) operator== function. 我认为这是相当典型的,比较是通过非成员(和非朋友) operator==函数执行的。 In doing so, my compiler (I'm using Mingw32 GCC 4.4 with flags -O3 -g -Wall ) fails to find the function and I have run out of possible reasons. 这样做时,我的编译器(我正在使用带有-O3 -g -Wall标志的Mingw32 GCC 4.4)找不到该函数,并且我已经用尽了所有可能的原因。

In the rather large block of code below there are three classes: a Base class, a Composed class that holds a Base object, and a Nested class identical to the Composed class except that it is nested within an Outer class. 在下面的相当大的代码块中,有三个类:基类,保存基类的Composed类和与Composed类相同的Nested类,只不过它嵌套在Outer类中。 Non-member operator== functions are supplied for each. 每个成员都提供非成员operator==函数。 These classes are in templated and untemplated forms (in their own respective namespaces), with the latter equivalent to the former specialised for unsigned integers. 这些类采用模板化和非模板化形式(在它们各自的命名空间中),后者等效于前者专用于无符号整数。

In main , two identical objects for each class are compared. main ,比较每个类的两个相同的对象。 For the untemplated case there is no problem, but for the templated case the compiler fails to find operator== . 对于非模板情况,没有问题,但是对于模板情况,编译器无法找到operator== What's going on? 这是怎么回事?

#include <iostream>

namespace templated {

template<typename T>
class Base {
  T t_;
  explicit Base(const T& t) : t_(t) {}

  equal(const Base& x) const {
    return x.t_==t_;

template<typename T>
operator==(const Base<T> &x, const Base<T> &y) {
  return x.equal(y);

template<typename T>
class Composed {
  typedef Base<T> Base_;
  Base_ base_;
  explicit Composed(const T& t) : base_(t) {}
  bool equal(const Composed& x) const {return x.base_==base_;}

template<typename T>
operator==(const Composed<T> &x, const Composed<T> &y) {
  return x.equal(y);

template<typename T>
class Outer {
  class Nested {
    typedef Base<T> Base_;
    Base_ base_;
    explicit Nested(const T& t) : base_(t) {}
    bool equal(const Nested& x) const {return x.base_==base_;}

template<typename T>
operator==(const typename Outer<T>::Nested &x,
    const typename Outer<T>::Nested &y) {
  return x.equal(y);

} // namespace templated

namespace untemplated {

class Base {
  unsigned int t_;
  explicit Base(const unsigned int& t) : t_(t) {}

  equal(const Base& x) const {
    return x.t_==t_;

operator==(const Base &x, const Base &y) {
  return x.equal(y);

class Composed {
  typedef Base Base_;
  Base_ base_;
  explicit Composed(const unsigned int& t) : base_(t) {}
  bool equal(const Composed& x) const {return x.base_==base_;}

operator==(const Composed &x, const Composed &y) {
  return x.equal(y);

class Outer {
  class Nested {
    typedef Base Base_;
    Base_ base_;
    explicit Nested(const unsigned int& t) : base_(t) {}
    bool equal(const Nested& x) const {return x.base_==base_;}

operator==(const Outer::Nested &x,
    const Outer::Nested &y) {
  return x.equal(y);

} // namespace untemplated

int main() {
  using std::cout;
  unsigned int testVal=3;
  { // No templates first
    typedef untemplated::Base Base_t;
    Base_t a(testVal);
    Base_t b(testVal);

    cout << "a=b=" << testVal << "\n";
    cout << "a==b ? " << (a==b ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << "\n";

    typedef untemplated::Composed Composed_t;
    Composed_t c(testVal);
    Composed_t d(testVal);

    cout << "c=d=" << testVal << "\n";
    cout << "c==d ? " << (c==d ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << "\n";

    typedef untemplated::Outer::Nested Nested_t;
    Nested_t e(testVal);
    Nested_t f(testVal);

    cout << "e=f=" << testVal << "\n";
    cout << "e==f ? " << (e==f ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << "\n";
  { // Now with templates
    typedef templated::Base<unsigned int> Base_t;
    Base_t a(testVal);
    Base_t b(testVal);

    cout << "a=b=" << testVal << "\n";
    cout << "a==b ? " << (a==b ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << "\n";

    typedef templated::Composed<unsigned int> Composed_t;
    Composed_t c(testVal);
    Composed_t d(testVal);

    cout << "c=d=" << testVal << "\n";
    cout << "d==c ? " << (c==d ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << "\n";

    typedef templated::Outer<unsigned int>::Nested Nested_t;
    Nested_t e(testVal);
    Nested_t f(testVal);

    cout << "e=f=" << testVal << "\n";
    cout << "e==f ? " << (e==f ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") << "\n";
    // Above line causes compiler error:
    // error: no match for 'operator==' in 'e == f'

  cout << std::endl;
  return 0;

The issue is fairly common with nested class with templates. 对于带有模板的嵌套类,该问题相当普遍。

template <class T>
struct Outer { struct Inner {}; };

template <class T>
void increment(typename Outer<T>::Inner&) {}

The increment function cannot be found. 找不到increment功能。 I think the look up is too difficult for the compiler to solve. 我认为查找对于编译器来说太难了。

You can alleviate the problem though, 您可以缓解问题,

namespace detail
  template <class T> struct InnerImpl {};

  template <class T> void increment(InnerImpl& ) {}

template <class T>
struct Outer
  typedef detail::InnerImpl<T> Inner;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
  Outer<int>::Inner inner;
  increment(inner);         // works

Funny, isn't it ? 好笑,不是吗?

As a rule of thumb, typename in the arguments (not for the result type) of a free method is a red herring and seems to prevent automatic argument deduction. 根据经验,自由方法的参数(不适用于结果类型)中的typename是一个红色鲱鱼,似乎阻止了自动推论。

If you haven't overloaded operator&, then just compare memory addresses. 如果您还没有重载operator&,那么只需比较内存地址即可。 There's no need to do this. 不需要这样做。

After accepting an answer, I thought about how best to fix my code with the minimum effort. 接受答案后,我想到了如何以最小的努力来最好地修复代码。 Armed with a clearer idea of the problem I took new inspiration from the C++ FAQ and merged the non-member operator== into the class definition as a friend function. 有了关于问题的更清晰的思路,我从C ++ FAQ中获得了新的启发,并将非成员operator==合并为类的友好函数。 This isn't as much of a hack as it sounds, since the reason for supplying an equal() member function was to avoid the need of a friend, but for templates a friend function has the benefit of allowing the function definition to be held within the class body, thus avoiding the lookup issues. 这听起来不像是一个hack,因为提供equal()成员函数的原因是为了避免需要朋友,但是对于模板,朋友函数的好处是可以保留函数定义在类主体中,从而避免了查找问题。

template<typename T>
class Outer {
  class Nested {
    typedef Base<T> Base_;
    Base_ base_;
    friend bool operator==(Nested const &x, Nested const &y) {
      return x.base_==y.base_;
    explicit Nested(const T& t) : base_(t) {}

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