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[英]Grails: Duplicates & unique constraint validation

OK here is stripped down version of what I have in my app 好的,这里是我的应用程序的精简版本

Artist domain: 艺术家域:

class Artist {

    String name
    Date lastMined
    def artistService

    static transients = ['artistService']
    static hasMany = [events: Event]

    static constraints = {
        name(unique: true)
        lastMined(nullable: true)

    def mine() {

Event domain: 事件域:

class Event {

    String name
    String details
    String country
    String town
    String place
    String url
    String date

    static belongsTo = [Artist]
    static hasMany = [artists: Artist]

    static constraints = {
        name(unique: true)
        url(unique: true)

ArtistService: ArtistService:

class ArtistService {

    def results = [

    def mine(Artist artist) {
        results << results[0] // now we have a duplicate
        results.each {
            def event = new Event(it)
            if (event.validate()) {
                if (artist.events.find{ it.name == event.name }) {
                    log.info "grrr! valid duplicate name: ${event.name}"

        artist.lastMined = new Date()
        if (artist.events) {
            artist.save(flush: true)

In theory event.validate() should return false and event will not be added to artist, but it doesn't.. which results in DB exception on artist.save() 理论上,event.validate()应该返回false,并且不会将事件添加到artist中,但是不会添加..这会导致artist.save()上的数据库异常

Although I noticed that if duplicate event is persisted first everything works as intended. 尽管我注意到如果重复事件一直存在,那么一切都会按预期进行。 Is it bug or feature? 它是错误还是功能? :P :P

Which version of Grails? 哪个版本的Grails? I've just tested this code in the Grails 1.3.1 console: 我刚刚在Grails 1.3.1控制台中测试了此代码:

new Book(title: "Misery", author: "Stephen King").save()
new Book(title: "The Shining", author: "Stephen King").save()
new Book(title: "Colossus", author: "Niall Ferguson").save(flush: true)

def b = new Book(title: "Colossus", author: "Stephen King")
assert !b.validate()
println b.errors

The assertion passed and the last line generated output like: 断言通过,最后一行生成如下输出:

org.springframework.validation.BeanPropertyBindingResult: 1 errors
Field error in object 'Book' on field 'title': rejected value [Colossus]; codes [Book.title.unique.error.Book.title,...

Perhaps it was a bug that's now fixed? 也许这是一个已修复的错误?

You should replace artist.addToEvents(event) by artist.addToEvents(event).save() and it will work. 您应该将artist.addToEvents(event)替换为artist.addToEvents(event).save() ,它将起作用。 Till you didn't call save() method, the validation will not take into account the new created event 直到您没有调用save()方法,验证都不会考虑新创建的事件

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