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PowerShell 2.0-与ISE相比,命令行调用运行脚本

[英]PowerShell 2.0 - Running scripts for the command line call vs. from the ISE

After writing deployment scripts from within the ISE, we need our continuous integration (CI) server to be able to run them automatically, ie from the command line or via a batch file. 从ISE中编写部署脚本后,我们需要我们的持续集成 (CI)服务器能够自动运行它们,即从命令行或通过批处理文件运行它们。

I have noticed some significant differences between the following calls: 我注意到以下调用之间存在一些重大差异:

powershell.exe -File Script.ps1
powershell.exe -Command "& '.\Script.ps1'"
powershell.exe .\Script.ps1

Some simple examples: 一些简单的例子:

  • When using -File , errors are handled in the exact same way as the ISE . 使用-File ,错误的处理方式与ISE完全相同。
  • The other two calls seem to ignore the $ErrorActionPreference variable, and do not catch Write-Error in try/catch blocks. 其他两个调用似乎忽略了$ErrorActionPreference变量,并且没有在try / catch块中捕获Write-Error

When using pSake : 使用pSake时

  • The last two calls work perfectly 最后两个通话效果很好
  • Using the ISE or the -File parameter will fail with the following error: 使用ISE或-File参数将失败,并显示以下错误:

The variable '$script:context' cannot be retrieved because it has not been set

What are the implications of each syntax, and why they are behaving differently? 每种语法的含义是什么?为什么它们表现不同? I would ideally like to find a syntax that works all the time and behaves like the ISE. 理想情况下,我想找到一种语法,该语法一直有效并且表现得像ISE。

Not an answer, just a note. 没有答案,只有一个音符。

I searched for explanation of -file parameter. 我搜索了-file参数的解释。 Most sources say only "Execute a script file.". 大多数资料只说“执行脚本文件”。 At http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd315276.aspx I read http://technet.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/dd315276.aspx上,我阅读了

Runs the specified script in the local scope ("dot-sourced"), so that the functions
and variables that the script creates are available in the current session. Enter
the script file path and any parameters.

After that I tried to call this: 之后,我试图称呼它为:

powershell -command ". c:\temp\aa\script.ps1"
powershell -file c:\temp\aa\script.ps1
powershell -command "& c:\temp\aa\script.ps1"

Note that first two stop after Get-Foo , but the last one doesn't. 请注意,前两个在Get-Foo之后停止,但最后一个没有。

The problem I describe above is related to modules -- if you define Get-Foo inside script.ps1, all the 3 calls I described stop after call to Get-Foo . 我上面描述的问题与模块有关-如果在script.ps1中定义Get-Foo ,则我描述的所有3个调用都在调用Get-Foo之后停止。

Just try to define it inside the script.ps1 or dotsource the file with Get-Foo and check it. 只需尝试在script.ps1内定义它,或使用Get-Foo对文件进行Get-Foo并进行检查。 There is a chance it will work :) 有机会起作用:)

Here is a concrete example of the behaviour I described. 这是我描述的行为的具体示例。

MyModule.psm1 MyModule.psm1

function Get-Foo
    Write-Error 'Failed'

Script.ps1 Script.ps1

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

$currentFolder = (Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
Import-Module $currentFolder\MyModule.psm1

    Write-Host "Success"
    "Error occurred"

Running Script.ps1: 运行Script.ps1:

  • From the ISE, or with the -File parameter 从ISE或使用-File参数

    will output "Error occurred" and stop 将输出“发生错误”并停止

  • From the command line without the -File parameter 从命令行不带-File参数

    will output "Failed" followed by "Success" (ie not caught) 将输出“失败”,然后输出“成功”(即未捕获)

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