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[英]Winforms, databinding, Listbox and textbox

I have a ListBox ( MyListBox ) on my screen, and a Textbox ( MyTextBox ).我的屏幕上有一个列表框 ( MyListBox ) 和一个文本框 ( MyTextBox )。

The ListBox is filled with a List(Of T), which are all custom items. ListBox 中填充了一个 List(Of T),它们都是自定义项。

Now I try to do this:现在我尝试这样做:

The ListBox' datasource is the List(Of T). ListBox 的数据源是 List(Of T)。

Now when an Item changes I want the textbox to be updated to a particular property of the selected item in my ListBox.现在,当项目更改时,我希望将文本框更新为列表框中所选项目的特定属性。

In code this means:在代码中,这意味着:

Me.MyListBox.DisplayMember = "SelectionName"
Me.MyListBox.ValueMember = "Id"

MyTextbox.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", Me._listOfItems, "SelectedItem.Comment", True, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged))

Me.MyListBox.DataSource = Me._listOfItems

this does not work.这不起作用。 But when I bind to SelectedValue instead of SelectedItem it works perfectly.但是当我绑定到 SelectedValue 而不是 SelectedItem 时,它完美地工作。

The _listOfItems is declared as this: _listOfItems声明如下:

Dim _listOfItems As List(Of MyItem) = New List(Of MyItem)()

Where MyItem is this: MyItem在哪里:

public class MyItem
    public string SelectionName { get; set; }
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Comment { get; set; }

I tried overriding the ToString() in MyItem so that it would use that.我尝试覆盖MyItemToString()以便它可以使用它。 But that doesn't work either.但这也行不通。

Anybody care to give it a try?有人愿意试一试吗?

One of the easiest way, I guess, would be to use a BindingSource , setting it as the ListBox.DataSource property to your BindingSource on design.其中一个最简单的方法,我想,会使用BindingSource ,将其设置为ListBox.DataSource属性为您BindingSource设计。

  1. Drop a BindingSource on your form;在您的表单上放置一个BindingSource
  2. Set your ListBox.DataSource property to your BindingSource ;将您的ListBox.DataSource属性设置为您的BindingSource
  3. Set your ValueMember and DisplayMember properties just like you're actually doing;像实际操作一样设置ValueMemberDisplayMember属性;
  4. Make your DataBinding for your TextBox control, and use your BindingSource as the source, using your MyItem.Comment property;为您的TextBox控件创建DataBinding ,并使用您的BindingSource作为源,使用您的MyItem.Comment属性;
  5. Assign your List(Of MyItem) to your Binding.DataSource property;将您的List(Of MyItem)分配给您的Binding.DataSource属性;
  6. Your TextBox should follow the CurrencyManager.CurrentItem 's Comment property, that is, the currently ListBox.SelectedItem .您的 TextBox 应遵循CurrencyManager.CurrentItem的 Comment 属性,即当前的ListBox.SelectedItem

Indeed, you would perhaps need to implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface to make it work properly.实际上,您可能需要实现INotifyPropertyChanged接口才能使其正常工作。

But if this all work perfect with the SelectValue, why don't you just use it?但是,如果这一切都与 SelectValue 完美配合,为什么不直接使用它呢?

The code below shows how I am doing it.下面的代码显示了我是如何做的。 I first set my ListBox DataSource to a class with a collection of BindingList.我首先将 ListBox DataSource 设置为具有 BindingList 集合的类。 The class implements IBindingList.该类实现 IBindingList。 I have two TextBoxes I want to bind the SelectedItem to.我有两个要绑定 SelectedItem 的 TextBox。 The code below is how I am doing it:下面的代码是我的做法:

lbControl.DataSource = SharepointTestBusinessLayer.Control.ListAll();
lbControl.DisplayMember = "ControlName";
lbControl.SelectedIndex = 0;
scTextBoxControlID.DataBindings.Add("Text", this.lbControl.DataSource, "ControlID");
scTextBoxControlName.DataBindings.Add("Text", this.lbControl.DataSource, "ControlName");

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