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如何从C ++中的文本文件中读取长行?

[英]How do I read long lines from a text file in C++?

I am using the following code for reading lines from a text-file. 我使用以下代码从文本文件中读取行。 What is the best method for handling the case where the line is greater than the limit SIZE_MAX_LINE? 处理行大于限制SIZE_MAX_LINE的情况的最佳方法是什么?

void TextFileReader::read(string inFilename)
    ifstream xInFile(inFilename.c_str());

    char acLine[SIZE_MAX_LINE + 1];

        xInFile.getline(acLine, SIZE_MAX_LINE);
            m_sStream.append(acLine); //Appending read line to string


Don't use istream::getline() . 不要使用istream::getline() It deals with naked character buffers and is therefor prone to errors. 它处理裸字符缓冲区,因此容易出错。 Better use std::getline(std::istream&,std::string&, char='\\n') from the <string> header: 最好从<string>标头使用std::getline(std::istream&,std::string&, char='\\n')

std::string line;

while(std::getline(xInFile, line)) {
    m_sStream.append('\n'); // getline() consumes '\n'

Since you're using C++ and iostream already, why not use std::string 's getline function ? 既然你已经在使用C ++和iostream了,为什么不使用std::stringgetline函数呢?

std::string acLine;
    std::getline(xInFile, acLine);
    // etc.

And, use xInFile.good() to ensure eofbit and badbit and failbit are not set. 并且,使用xInFile.good()来确保设置eofbitbadbit以及failbit

If you use the free function in string, you don't have to pass a max length. 如果在字符串中使用自由函数 ,则不必传递最大长度。 It also the uses C++ string type. 它还使用C ++字符串类型。

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