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如何设置 raw_input 的时间限制

[英]How to set time limit on raw_input

在 python 中,有没有办法在等待用户输入时计算时间,以便在 30 秒后自动跳过raw_input()函数?

The signal.alarm function, on which @jer's recommended solution is based, is unfortunately Unix-only.不幸的是,@jer 推荐的解决方案所基于的signal.alarm函数仅适用于 Unix。 If you need a cross-platform or Windows-specific solution, you can base it on threading.Timer instead, using thread.interrupt_main to send a KeyboardInterrupt to the main thread from the timer thread.如果您需要跨平台或特定于 Windows 的解决方案,您可以基于threading.Timer来代替,使用thread.interrupt_mainKeyboardInterrupt从计时器线程发送到主线程。 Ie: IE:

import thread
import threading

def raw_input_with_timeout(prompt, timeout=30.0):
    print(prompt, end=' ')    
    timer = threading.Timer(timeout, thread.interrupt_main)
    astring = None
        astring = input(prompt)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    return astring

this will return None whether the 30 seconds time out or the user explicitly decides to hit control-C to give up on inputting anything, but it seems OK to treat the two cases in the same way (if you need to distinguish, you could use for the timer a function of your own that, before interrupting the main thread, records somewhere the fact that a timeout has happened, and in your handler for KeyboardInterrupt access that "somewhere" to discriminate which of the two cases occurred).这将返回 None 无论是 30 秒超时还是用户明确决定点击 control-C 放弃输入任何内容,但以相同的方式处理这两种情况似乎可以(如果需要区分,可以使用定时器自己的功能,中断主线程之前,记录某处的事实,超时发生,并在处理程序KeyboardInterrupt访问说:“地方”来区分这两个案件发生)。

Edit : I could have sworn this was working but I must have been wrong -- the code above omits the obviously-needed timer.start() , and even with it I can't make it work any more.编辑:我可以发誓,这是工作,但我一定是错的-上面省略了代码显然需要的timer.start()甚至用它,我不能做任何更多的工作。 select.select would be the obvious other thing to try but it won't work on a "normal file" (including stdin) in Windows -- in Unix it works on all files, in Windows, only on sockets. select.select显然是另一件要尝试的事情,但它不适用于 Windows 中的“普通文件”(包括 stdin)——在 Unix 中,它适用于所有文件,在 Windows 中,仅适用于套接字。

So I don't know how to do a cross-platform "raw input with timeout".所以我不知道如何做一个跨平台的“原始输入超时”。 A windows-specific one can be constructed with a tight loop polling msvcrt.kbhit , performing a msvcrt.getche (and checking if it's a return to indicate the output's done, in which case it breaks out of the loop, otherwise accumulates and keeps waiting) and checking the time to time out if needed.可以使用紧密循环轮询msvcrt.kbhit构建特定于 Windows 的程序,执行msvcrt.getche (并检查它是否是指示输出完成的返回,在这种情况下它会跳出循环,否则会累积并继续等待) 并在需要时检查超时时间。 I cannot test because I have no Windows machine (they're all Macs and Linux ones), but here the untested code I would suggest:我无法测试,因为我没有 Windows 机器(它们都是 Mac 和 Linux 机器),但在这里我建议使用未经测试的代码

import msvcrt
import time

def raw_input_with_timeout(prompt, timeout=30.0):
    print(prompt, end=' ')    
    finishat = time.time() + timeout
    result = []
    while True:
        if msvcrt.kbhit():
            if result[-1] == '\r':   # or \n, whatever Win returns;-)
                return ''.join(result)
            time.sleep(0.1)          # just to yield to other processes/threads
            if time.time() > finishat:
                return None

The OP in a comment says he does not want to return None upon timeout, but what's the alternative?评论中的 OP 说他不想在超时时return None ,但是有什么选择呢? Raising an exception?引发异常? Returning a different default value?返回不同的默认值? Whatever alternative he wants he can clearly put it in place of my return None ;-).无论他想要什么选择,他都可以清楚地用它代替我的return None ;-)。

If you don't want to time out just because the user is typing slowly (as opposed to, not typing at all!-), you could recompute finishat after every successful character input.如果您不想仅仅因为用户打字缓慢而超时(而不是根本不打字!-),您可以在每次成功输入字符后重新计算 finishat。

I found a solution to this problem in a blog post .在博客文章中找到了解决此问题的方法 Here's the code from that blog post:这是该博客文章中的代码:

import signal

class AlarmException(Exception):

def alarmHandler(signum, frame):
    raise AlarmException

def nonBlockingRawInput(prompt='', timeout=20):
    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarmHandler)
        text = raw_input(prompt)
        return text
    except AlarmException:
        print '\nPrompt timeout. Continuing...'
    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal.SIG_IGN)
    return ''

Please note: this code will only work on *nix OSs .请注意:此代码仅适用于 *nix 操作系统

from threading import Timer

def input_with_timeout(x):    

def time_up():
    answer= None
    print('time up...')

t = Timer(x,time_up) # x is amount of time in seconds
    answer = input("enter answer : ")
except Exception:
    answer = None

if answer != True:   # it means if variable have somthing 
    t.cancel()       # time_up will not execute(so, no skip)

input_with_timeout(5) # try this for five seconds

As it is self defined... run it in command line prompt , I hope you will get the answer read this python doc you will be crystal clear what just happened in this code!!因为它是自定义的......在命令行提示符下运行它,我希望你能得到答案阅读这个python 文档你会非常清楚这段代码中发生了什么!!

The input() function is designed to wait for the user to enter something (at least the [Enter] key). input() 函数旨在等待用户输入某些内容(至少是 [Enter] 键)。

If you are not dead set to use input(), below is a much lighter solution using tkinter.如果您没有死心使用 input(),下面是一个使用 tkinter 的更轻松的解决方案。 In tkinter, dialog boxes (and any widget) can be destroyed after a given time.在 tkinter 中,对话框(和任何小部件)可以在给定时间后销毁。

Here is an example :这是一个例子:

import tkinter as tk

def W_Input (label='Input dialog box', timeout=5000):
    w = tk.Tk()
    wFrame = tk.Frame(w, background="light yellow", padx=20, pady=20)
    wEntryBox = tk.Entry(wFrame, background="white", width=100)

    def fin():
        W_Input.data = str(wEntryBox.get())
    wSubmitButton = tk.Button(w, text='OK', command=fin, default='active')

# --- optionnal extra code in order to have a stroke on "Return" equivalent to a mouse click on the OK button
    def fin_R(event):  fin()
    w.bind("<Return>", fin_R)
# --- END extra code --- 

    w.after(timeout, w.destroy) # This is the KEY INSTRUCTION that destroys the dialog box after the given timeout in millisecondsd

W_Input() # can be called with 2 parameter, the window title (string), and the timeout duration in miliseconds

if W_Input.data : print('\nYou entered this : ', W_Input.data, end=2*'\n')

else : print('\nNothing was entered \n')

A curses example which takes for a timed math test一个用于计时数学测试的诅咒示例

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import curses
import curses.ascii
import time

#stdscr = curses.initscr() - Using curses.wrapper instead
def main(stdscr):
    hd = 100 #Timeout in tenths of a second
    answer = ''

    stdscr.addstr('5+3=') #Your prompt text

    s = time.time() #Timing function to show that solution is working properly

    while True:
        start = time.time()
        c = stdscr.getch()
        if c == curses.ascii.NL: #Enter Press
        elif c == -1: #Return on timer complete
        elif c == curses.ascii.DEL: #Backspace key for corrections. Could add additional hooks for cursor movement
            answer = answer[:-1]
            y, x = curses.getsyx()
            stdscr.delch(y, x-1)
        elif curses.ascii.isdigit(c): #Filter because I only wanted digits accepted
            answer += chr(c)
        hd -= int((time.time() - start) * 10) #Sets the new time on getch based on the time already used


    stdscr.addstr('Elapsed Time: %i\n'%(time.time() - s))
    stdscr.addstr('This is the answer: %s\n'%answer)
    #stdscr.refresh() ##implied with the call to getch
    stdscr.addstr('Press any key to exit...')

under linux one could use curses and getch function, its non blocking.在linux下可以使用curses和getch函数,它是非阻塞的。 see getch()见 getch()

https://docs.python.org/2/library/curses.html https://docs.python.org/2/library/curses.html

function that waits for keyboard input for x seconds (you have to initialize a curses window (win1) first!等待键盘输入 x 秒的函数(您必须先初始化一个curses窗口(win1)!

import time

def tastaturabfrage():

    inittime = int(time.time()) # time now
    waitingtime = 2.00          # time to wait in seconds

    while inittime+waitingtime>int(time.time()):

        key = win1.getch()      #check if keyboard entry or screen resize

        if key == curses.KEY_RESIZE:
        if key == 118:
            p(4,'KEY V Pressed')
        if key == 107:
            p(4,'KEY K Pressed')
        if key == 99:
            p(4,'KEY c Pressed')
        if key == 120:
            p(4,'KEY x Pressed')



This is for newer python versions, but I believe it will still answer the question.这是针对较新的 python 版本,但我相信它仍然会回答这个问题。 What this does is it creates a message to the user that the time is up, then ends the code.它的作用是向用户创建一条消息,表明时间已到,然后结束代码。 I'm sure there's a way to make it skip the input rather than completely end the code, but either way, this should at least help...我确信有一种方法可以让它跳过输入而不是完全结束代码,但无论哪种方式,这至少应该有帮助......

import sys
import time
from threading import Thread
import pyautogui as pag
#imports the needed modules

xyz = 1 #for a reference call

choice1 = None #sets the starting status

def check():
    time.sleep(15)#the time limit set on the message
    global xyz
    if choice1 != None:  # if choice1 has input in it, than the time will not expire
    if xyz == 1:  # if no input has been made within the time limit, then this message 
                  # will display
        pag.confirm(text = 'Time is up!', title = 'Time is up!!!!!!!!!')

Thread(target = check).start()#starts the timer
choice1 = input("Please Enter your choice: ")

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