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尝试在Java中编写优先级队列,但获得“线程“ main”中的异常” java.lang.ClassCastException”

[英]Trying to write priority queue in Java but getting “Exception in thread ”main“ java.lang.ClassCastException”

For my data structure class, I am trying to write a program that simulates a car wash and I want to give fancy cars a higher priority than regular ones using a priority queue. 对于我的数据结构类,我正在尝试编写一个模拟洗车的程序,并且我想使用优先级队列为高档汽车提供比普通汽车更高的优先级。 The problem I am having has something to do with Java not being able to type cast "Object" as an "ArrayQueue" (a simple FIFO implementation). 我遇到的问题与Java无法将类型“ Object”转换为“ ArrayQueue”(简单的FIFO实现)有关。 What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it? 我在做什么错,我该如何解决?

public class PriorityQueue<E>

    private ArrayQueue<E>[] queues;
    private int highest=0;
    private int manyItems=0;

    public PriorityQueue(int h)
        queues = (ArrayQueue<E>[]) new Object[highest+1];   <----problem is here

    public void add(E item, int priority)

    public boolean isEmpty( )
        return (manyItems == 0);

    public E remove()
        E answer=null;
        int counter=0;

                answer = queues[highest-counter].remove();

        return answer;


Thank you both for the quick answer to this question. 谢谢你们对这个问题的快速回答。 I solved the problem by following your advice and one other bit of code: 我按照您的建议和另一段代码解决了这个问题:

public PriorityQueue(int h)
    queues = new ArrayQueue[highest+1];
    for(int i = 0; i <= highest; i++)
        queues[i] = new ArrayQueue();

An Object is an Object and (in most cases) not an ArrayQueue. 对象是一个对象,并且(在大多数情况下)不是ArrayQueue。 So indeed the cast is not possible. 因此确实无法进行演员表转换。

Creation of generic arrays is a problem too, but in your case, this should work: 创建通用数组也是一个问题,但是在您的情况下,这应该可行:

public PriorityQueue(int h)
    queues = new ArrayQueue[highest+1];   // Gives an ignorable warning


The way it is explained in your textbook is incorrect, the book needs a new revision cycle ;) The suggested cast is not allowed in Java, it's like an attempt to do 在教科书中解释的方式不正确,这本书需要一个新的修订周期;)Java中不允许使用建议的强制转换,就像尝试这样做一样

String forEverUseless = (String) new Object(); // this will not give an empty String
                                               // but an ouch-that-hurts-Exception

which is more obvious. 这更明显。 You can never cast a class to one of its subtypes (derived classes). 永远不能将类强制转换为其子类型之一(派生类)。 This is true for all classes, including arrays and generic classes. 对于所有类,包括数组和泛型类,都是如此。

EDIT 2 编辑2

Two more suggestions: 另外两个建议:

  1. The 'add' method should get a check whether 'priority' is in the valid range of priorities, otherwise add will throw an exception (like in: queue.add(entry, -1) ) 'add'方法应检查'priority'是否在优先级的有效范围内,否则add将引发异常(例如: queue.add(entry, -1)
  2. A remove method usually has an argument - you might want to call it with the element that shall be removed from the queue. remove方法通常具有一个参数-您可能希望使用应从队列中删除的元素来调用它。 (Or - if you're intention is something else, i suggest using the common queue operation names pop , push and peek ) (或者-如果您还有其他意图,我建议您使用常见的队列操作名称poppushpeek

The problem is almost exactly what you said -- you're making something of type Object[] and trying to cast it to ArrayQueue[] , and those aren't compatible types. 问题几乎与您所说的完全一样-您正在制作Object[]类型的某种东西,并试图将其ArrayQueue[]ArrayQueue[] ,而这些类型是不兼容的类型。 You should just do: 您应该这样做:

queues = new ArrayQueue[highest+1];


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