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[英]PHP Websites Source Code

I'm looking for PHP script samples of websites. 我正在寻找网站的PHP脚本示例。 I'm just done reading a text book on PHP and I want to check out some of the various implementations. 我刚刚阅读了关于PHP的教科书,我想查看一些不同的实现。

Thanks 谢谢


I would first start out looking at solidly built sites that utilize a framework, see Recommend a PHP framework... . 我首先要看看使用框架的稳固构建的网站,请参阅推荐PHP框架....

Next I would look at some of the open source CMS designs built on PHP. 接下来我将介绍一些基于PHP构建的开源CMS设计。 Namely Wordpress and modx . Wordpressmodx Both will be over your head if your new to programming in general but getting the feel for how applications are written, syntax style, etc is well worth it. 如果您不熟悉编程,但是对应用程序的编写方式,语法风格等感觉非常值得,那么两者都超越您的头脑。

Compile a list of questions you have, why are they using self:: ? 编译一个你有问题的列表, 为什么他们使用self:: , what's a constant , etc and either google for the answer or ask here. 什么是常数 ,等等,谷歌的答案或问这里。

This is a pretty generic question, and probably fairly open ended. 这是一个非常通用的问题,可能相当开放。 Technically speaking, since PHP is a Turing complete language it can be used for basically anything. 从技术上讲,由于PHP是图灵完整语言,它基本上可以用于任何事情。 OTOH, if you want specific examples of problems to solve, perhaps that would be a better question to ask. OTOH,如果你想要解决问题的具体例子,那么这可能是一个更好的问题。 I'd recommend some problem that you find interesting, and learning how to solve that with PHP. 我建议你发现一些有趣的问题,并学习如何用PHP解决这个问题。 For instance, say you want a site that generates anagrams of a given name. 例如,假设您想要一个生成给定名称的字母的网站。 Or maybe you want a guessing game. 或许你想要一个猜谜游戏。 Or a message board (phpBB is open source and an example of a popular solution). 或者留言板(phpBB是开源的,也是流行解决方案的一个例子)。 If you're looking for concrete examples and ask specific questions you're more likely to get concrete and specific solutions. 如果您正在寻找具体的例子并提出具体问题,那么您更有可能获得具体和具体的解决方案。

Otherwise you'll get answers about as generic as your question. 否则,您将得到与您的问题一样通用的答案。

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