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groovy或java:如何将'\\'替换为'\\\\''C:\\ www \\ web-app \\ StudyReports \\ test.bat'

[英]groovy or java: how can replace '\' with '\\' 'C:\www\web-app\StudyReports\test.bat'

My eventual goal is to have a string like 我最终的目标是拥有一个像

def newline = 'C:\\www\web-app\StudyReports\\test.bat'

but my old line only has one '\\' . 但是我的旧行只有一个'\\'

I tried different ways of using the following: 我尝试了以下几种不同的使用方式:

def newline = oldline.replaceAll(/\\/,'//')

but that did not compile. 但这没有编译。

If I were you, I would replace the backslashes with forward slashes: 如果我是你,我将用反斜杠替换反斜杠:

def newline=oldline.replaceAll(/\\+/, '/')

Both Java and Windows will accept the forward slash as a file separator, and it's lot easier to work with. Java和Windows都将正斜杠用作文件分隔符,并且使用起来要容易得多。

To match a single backslash in Java or Groovy, you have to enter it 4 times, because both the compiler and the regex engine use the backslash as the escape character. 要在Java或Groovy中匹配单个反斜杠,您必须输入4次,因为编译器和正则表达式引擎均使用反斜杠作为转义字符。 So if you enter "\\\\\\\\" as a String in Java, the compiler generates the string containing the two characters \\\\ , which the regex engine interprets as a match for exactly one backslash \\ . 因此,如果在Java中以字符串形式输入"\\\\\\\\" ,则编译器将生成包含两个字符\\\\的字符串,正则表达式引擎会将其解释为与一个反斜杠\\完全匹配的字符。

The replacement string must be escaped twice too, so you have to enter 8 backslashes as the replacement string. 替换字符串也必须转义两次 ,因此您必须输入8个反斜杠作为替换字符串。

In Java, you'd use the String.replace(CharSequence target, CharSequence replacement) , which is NOT regex-based. 在Java中,您可以使用String.replace(CharSequence target, CharSequence replacement) ,它不是基于正则表达式的。

You'd write something like: 您将编写如下内容:

String after = before.replace("\\", "\\\\");

This doubles up every \\ in before . 这双打每\\before

String path = "1\\2\\\\3\\4";
path = path.replace("\\", "\\\\");

The output of the above is ( as seen on ideone.com ) 上面的输出是( 如ideone.com上所示


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