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[英]Converting any string into camel case

How can I convert a string into camel case using javascript regex?如何使用 javascript 正则表达式将字符串转换为驼峰式大小写?

EquipmentClass name or Equipment className or equipment class name or Equipment Class Name EquipmentClass name类名称或设备类名称或设备Equipment className equipment class nameEquipment Class Name

should all become: equipmentClassName .都应该变成: equipmentClassName

Looking at your code, you can achieve it with only two replace calls:查看您的代码,您只需两个replace调用即可实现它:

function camelize(str) {
  return str.replace(/(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w)/g, function(word, index) {
    return index === 0 ? word.toLowerCase() : word.toUpperCase();
  }).replace(/\s+/g, '');

camelize("EquipmentClass name");
camelize("Equipment className");
camelize("equipment class name");
camelize("Equipment Class Name");
// all output "equipmentClassName"

Edit: Or in with a single replace call, capturing the white spaces also in the RegExp .编辑:或者在单个replace调用中,也在RegExp中捕获空格。

function camelize(str) {
  return str.replace(/(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w|\s+)/g, function(match, index) {
    if (+match === 0) return ""; // or if (/\s+/.test(match)) for white spaces
    return index === 0 ? match.toLowerCase() : match.toUpperCase();

If anyone is using lodash , there is a _.camelCase() function.如果有人使用lodash ,则有一个_.camelCase()函数。

_.camelCase('Foo Bar');
// → 'fooBar'

// → 'fooBar'

// → 'fooBar'

To get c amel C ase获取骆驼Case


var camalize = function camalize(str) {
    return str.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+(.)/g, function(match, chr)
        return chr.toUpperCase();


var camalize = function camalize(str) {
    return str.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+(.)/g, (m, chr) => chr.toUpperCase());

> To get ***C**amel**S**entence**C**ase* or ***P**ascal**C**ase* > 获取 ***C**amel**S**entence**C**ase* 或 ***P**ascal**C**ase*
 var camelSentence = function camelSentence(str) { return (" " + str).toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+(.)/g, function(match, chr) { return chr.toUpperCase(); }); }

Note :笔记 :
For those language with accents.对于那些有口音的语言。 Do include À-ÖØ-öø-ÿ with the regex as following请在正则表达式中包含À-ÖØ-öø-ÿ ,如下所示
.replace(/[^a-zA-ZÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ0-9]+(.)/g This is only for one language. For another language, you have to search and find .replace(/[^a-zA-ZÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ0-9]+(.)/g这仅适用于一种语言。对于另一种语言,您必须搜索并找到

I just ended up doing this:我刚结束这样做:

String.prototype.toCamelCase = function(str) {
    return str
        .replace(/\s(.)/g, function($1) { return $1.toUpperCase(); })
        .replace(/\s/g, '')
        .replace(/^(.)/, function($1) { return $1.toLowerCase(); });

I was trying to avoid chaining together multiple replace statements.我试图避免将多个替换语句链接在一起。 Something where I'd have $1, $2, $3 in my function.我的函数中有 1 美元、2 美元、3 美元的东西。 But that type of grouping is hard to understand, and your mention about cross browser problems is something I never thought about as well.但是这种类型的分组很难理解,你提到的跨浏览器问题也是我从未想过的。

You can use this solution :您可以使用此解决方案:

function toCamelCase(str){
  return str.split(' ').map(function(word,index){
    // If it is the first word make sure to lowercase all the chars.
    if(index == 0){
      return word.toLowerCase();
    // If it is not the first word only upper case the first char and lowercase the rest.
    return word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1).toLowerCase();

In Scott's specific case I'd go with something like:在斯科特的具体情况下,我会选择类似的东西:

String.prototype.toCamelCase = function() {
    return this.replace(/^([A-Z])|\s(\w)/g, function(match, p1, p2, offset) {
        if (p2) return p2.toUpperCase();
        return p1.toLowerCase();        

'EquipmentClass name'.toCamelCase()  // -> equipmentClassName
'Equipment className'.toCamelCase()  // -> equipmentClassName
'equipment class name'.toCamelCase() // -> equipmentClassName
'Equipment Class Name'.toCamelCase() // -> equipmentClassName

The regex will match the first character if it starts with a capital letter, and any alphabetic character following a space, ie 2 or 3 times in the specified strings.正则表达式将匹配第一个字符,如果它以大写字母开头,并且任何字母字符后跟一个空格,即指定字符串中的 2 或 3 次。

By spicing up the regex to /^([AZ])|[\s-_](\w)/g it will also camelize hyphen and underscore type names.通过将正则表达式添加到/^([AZ])|[\s-_](\w)/g它还将使连字符和下划线类型名称驼峰化。

'hyphen-name-format'.toCamelCase()     // -> hyphenNameFormat
'underscore_name_format'.toCamelCase() // -> underscoreNameFormat

Reliable, high-performance example:可靠的高性能示例:

function camelize(text) {
    text = text.replace(/[-_\s.]+(.)?/g, (_, c) => c ? c.toUpperCase() : '');
    return text.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + text.substring(1);

Case-changing characters:大小写转换字符:

  • hyphen -连字符-
  • underscore _下划线_
  • period .期间.
  • space空间
function toCamelCase(str) {
  // Lower cases the string
  return str.toLowerCase()
    // Replaces any - or _ characters with a space 
    .replace( /[-_]+/g, ' ')
    // Removes any non alphanumeric characters 
    .replace( /[^\w\s]/g, '')
    // Uppercases the first character in each group immediately following a space 
    // (delimited by spaces) 
    .replace( / (.)/g, function($1) { return $1.toUpperCase(); })
    // Removes spaces 
    .replace( / /g, '' );

I was trying to find a JavaScript function to camelCase a string, and wanted to make sure special characters would be removed (and I had trouble understanding what some of the answers above were doing).我试图找到一个 JavaScript 函数来camelCase化一个字符串,并想确保特殊字符会被删除(而且我很难理解上面的一些答案在做什么)。 This is based on cc young's answer, with added comments and the removal of $peci&l characters.这是基于 cc young 的回答,添加了注释并删除了 $peci&l 字符。

If regexp isn't required, you might want to look at following code I made a long time ago for Twinkle :如果不需要正则表达式,您可能想查看我很久以前为Twinkle制作的以下代码:

String.prototype.toUpperCaseFirstChar = function() {
    return this.substr( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + this.substr( 1 );

String.prototype.toLowerCaseFirstChar = function() {
    return this.substr( 0, 1 ).toLowerCase() + this.substr( 1 );

String.prototype.toUpperCaseEachWord = function( delim ) {
    delim = delim ? delim : ' ';
    return this.split( delim ).map( function(v) { return v.toUpperCaseFirstChar() } ).join( delim );

String.prototype.toLowerCaseEachWord = function( delim ) {
    delim = delim ? delim : ' ';
    return this.split( delim ).map( function(v) { return v.toLowerCaseFirstChar() } ).join( delim );

I haven't made any performance tests, and regexp versions might or might not be faster.我还没有进行任何性能测试,正则表达式版本可能会也可能不会更快。

My ES6 approach:我的ES6方法:

const camelCase = str => {
  let string = str.toLowerCase().replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, ' ').split(' ')
                  .reduce((result, word) => result + capitalize(word.toLowerCase()))
  return string.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + string.slice(1)

const capitalize = str => str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.toLowerCase().slice(1)

let baz = 'foo bar'
let camel = camelCase(baz)
console.log(camel)  // "fooBar"
camelCase('foo bar')  // "fooBar"
camelCase('FOO BAR')  // "fooBar"
camelCase('x nN foo bar')  // "xNnFooBar"
camelCase('!--foo-¿?-bar--121-**%')  // "fooBar121"

Here is a one liner doing the work:这是一个做这项工作的班轮:

const camelCaseIt = string => string.toLowerCase().trim().split(/[.\-_\s]/g).reduce((string, word) => string + word[0].toUpperCase() + word.slice(1));

It splits the lower-cased string based on the list of characters provided in the RegExp [.\-_\s] (add more inside the []!) and returns a word array .它根据 RegExp [.\-_\s]中提供的字符列表拆分小写字符串(在 [] 中添加更多字符!)并返回一个单词数组。 Then, it reduces the array of strings to one concatenated string of words with uppercased first letters.然后,它将字符串数组简化为一个首字母大写的连接字符串。 Because the reduce has no initial value, it will start uppercasing first letters starting with the second word.因为reduce没有初始值,它会从第二个单词开始大写第一个字母。

If you want PascalCase, just add an initial empty string ,'') to the reduce method.如果你想要 PascalCase,只需在 reduce 方法中添加一个初始的空字符串,'')

This function by pass cammelcase such these tests这个函数通过cammelcase这样的测试

  • Foo Bar
  • --foo-bar--
  • __FOO_BAR__-
  • foo123Bar
  • foo_Bar

 function toCamelCase(str) { var arr= str.match(/[az]+|\d+/gi); return arr.map((m,i)=>{ let low = m.toLowerCase(); if (i!=0){ low = low.split('').map((s,k)=>k==0?s.toUpperCase():s).join`` } return low; }).join``; } console.log(toCamelCase('Foo Bar')); console.log(toCamelCase('--foo-bar--')); console.log(toCamelCase('__FOO_BAR__-')); console.log(toCamelCase('foo123Bar')); console.log(toCamelCase('foo_Bar')); console.log(toCamelCase('EquipmentClass name')); console.log(toCamelCase('Equipment className')); console.log(toCamelCase('equipment class name')); console.log(toCamelCase('Equipment Class Name'));

lodash can do the trick sure and well: lodash可以很好地做到这一点:

var _ = require('lodash');
var result = _.camelCase('toto-ce héros') 
// result now contains "totoCeHeros"

Although lodash may be a "big" library (~4kB), it contains a lot of functions that you'd normally use a snippet for, or build yourself.尽管lodash可能是一个“大”库 (~4kB),但它包含许多您通常会使用代码片段或自己构建的功能。

The top answer is terse but it doesn't handle all edge cases.最佳答案很简洁,但不能处理所有边缘情况。 For anyone needing a more robust utility, without any external dependencies:对于任何需要更强大的实用程序,没有任何外部依赖项的人:

function camelCase(str) {
    return (str.slice(0, 1).toLowerCase() + str.slice(1))
      .replace(/([-_ ]){1,}/g, ' ')
      .split(/[-_ ]/)
      .reduce((cur, acc) => {
        return cur + acc[0].toUpperCase() + acc.substring(1);

function sepCase(str, sep = '-') {
    return str
      .replace(/[A-Z]/g, (letter, index) => {
        const lcLet = letter.toLowerCase();
        return index ? sep + lcLet : lcLet;
      .replace(/([-_ ]){1,}/g, sep)

// All will return 'fooBarBaz'
console.log(camelCase('FooBar  Baz'))

// All will return 'foo-bar-baz'
console.log(sepCase('foo___ bar -baz'));

// All will return 'foo__bar__baz'
console.log(sepCase('fooBarBaz', '__'));
console.log(sepCase('foo-bar-baz', '__'));

Demo here: https://codesandbox.io/embed/admiring-field-dnm4r?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark此处演示: https ://codesandbox.io/embed/admiring-field-dnm4r?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark

return "hello world".toLowerCase().replace(/(?:(^.)|(\s+.))/g, function(match) {
    return match.charAt(match.length-1).toUpperCase();
}); // HelloWorld

Because this question needed yet another answer...因为这个问题还需要另一个答案……

I tried several of the previous solutions, and all of them had one flaw or another.我尝试了几种以前的解决方案,但它们都有一个或另一个缺陷。 Some didn't remove punctuation;有些没有删除标点符号; some didn't handle cases with numbers;有些不处理有数字的案件; some didn't handle multiple punctuations in a row.有些没有连续处理多个标点符号。

None of them handled a string like a1 2b .他们都没有处理像a1 2b这样的字符串。 There's no explicitly defined convention for this case, but some other stackoverflow questions suggested separating the numbers with an underscore.对于这种情况,没有明确定义的约定,但其他一些stackoverflow 问题建议用下划线分隔数字。

I doubt this is the most performant answer (three regex passes through the string, rather than one or two), but it passes all the tests I can think of.我怀疑这是最好的答案(三个正则表达式通过字符串,而不是一两个),但它通过了我能想到的所有测试。 To be honest, though, I really can't imagine a case where you're doing so many camel-case conversions that performance would matter.不过,老实说,我真的无法想象有这么多驼峰式转换会影响性能的情况。

(I added this as an npm package . It also includes an optional boolean parameter to return Pascal Case instead of Camel Case.) (我将其添加为npm 包。它还包括一个可选的布尔参数以返回 Pascal Case 而不是 Camel Case。)

const underscoreRegex = /(?:[^\w\s]|_)+/g,
    sandwichNumberRegex = /(\d)\s+(?=\d)/g,
    camelCaseRegex = /(?:^\s*\w|\b\w|\W+)/g;

String.prototype.toCamelCase = function() {
    if (/^\s*_[\s_]*$/g.test(this)) {
        return '_';

    return this.replace(underscoreRegex, ' ')
        .replace(sandwichNumberRegex, '$1_')
        .replace(camelCaseRegex, function(match, index) {
            if (/^\W+$/.test(match)) {
                return '';

            return index == 0 ? match.trimLeft().toLowerCase() : match.toUpperCase();

Test cases (Jest)测试用例(开玩笑)

test('Basic strings', () => {
    expect('A B C'.toCamelCase()).toBe('aBC');
    expect('aB c'.toCamelCase()).toBe('aBC');
    expect('abc      def'.toCamelCase()).toBe('abcDef');
    expect('abc__ _ _def'.toCamelCase()).toBe('abcDef');
    expect('abc__ _ d_ e _ _fg'.toCamelCase()).toBe('abcDEFg');

test('Basic strings with punctuation', () => {
    expect(`a'b--d -- f.h`.toCamelCase()).toBe('aBDFH');

test('Strings with numbers', () => {
    expect('12 3 4 5'.toCamelCase()).toBe('12_3_4_5');
    expect('12 3 abc'.toCamelCase()).toBe('12_3Abc');
    expect('abc 2def'.toCamelCase()).toBe('abc2def');
    expect('abc1 2def'.toCamelCase()).toBe('abc1_2def');
    expect('abc1 2   3def'.toCamelCase()).toBe('abc1_2_3def');

test('Oddball cases', () => {
    expect('_ _'.toCamelCase()).toBe('_');
    expect('\t_ _\n'.toCamelCase()).toBe('_');



following @Scott's readable approach, a little bit of fine tuning遵循@Scott 的可读方法,进行一些微调

// convert any string to camelCase
var toCamelCase = function(str) {
  return str.toLowerCase()
    .replace( /['"]/g, '' )
    .replace( /\W+/g, ' ' )
    .replace( / (.)/g, function($1) { return $1.toUpperCase(); })
    .replace( / /g, '' );

little modified Scott's answer:很少修改斯科特的答案:

toCamelCase = (string) ->
    .replace /[\s|_|-](.)/g, ($1) -> $1.toUpperCase()
    .replace /[\s|_|-]/g, ''
    .replace /^(.)/, ($1) -> $1.toLowerCase()

now it replaces '-' and '_' too.现在它也替换了“-”和“_”。

All 14 permutations below produce the same result of "equipmentClassName".以下所有 14 种排列产生相同的“设备类名称”结果。

 String.prototype.toCamelCase = function() { return this.replace(/[^az ]/ig, '') // Replace everything but letters and spaces. .replace(/(?:^\w|[AZ]|\b\w|\s+)/g, // Find non-words, uppercase letters, leading-word letters, and multiple spaces. function(match, index) { return +match === 0 ? "" : match[index === 0 ? 'toLowerCase' : 'toUpperCase'](); }); } String.toCamelCase = function(str) { return str.toCamelCase(); } var testCases = [ "equipment class name", "equipment class Name", "equipment Class name", "equipment Class Name", "Equipment class name", "Equipment class Name", "Equipment Class name", "Equipment Class Name", "equipment className", "equipment ClassName", "Equipment ClassName", "equipmentClass name", "equipmentClass Name", "EquipmentClass Name" ]; for (var i = 0; i < testCases.length; i++) { console.log(testCases[i].toCamelCase()); };

you can use this solution:您可以使用此解决方案:

 String.prototype.toCamelCase = function(){ return this.replace(/\s(\w)/ig, function(all, letter){return letter.toUpperCase();}) .replace(/(^\w)/, function($1){return $1.toLowerCase()}); }; console.log('Equipment className'.toCamelCase());

Here's my suggestion:这是我的建议:

function toCamelCase(string) {
  return `${string}`
    .replace(new RegExp(/[-_]+/, 'g'), ' ')
    .replace(new RegExp(/[^\w\s]/, 'g'), '')
      new RegExp(/\s+(.)(\w+)/, 'g'),
      ($1, $2, $3) => `${$2.toUpperCase() + $3.toLowerCase()}`
    .replace(new RegExp(/\s/, 'g'), '')
    .replace(new RegExp(/\w/), s => s.toLowerCase());


String.prototype.toCamelCase = function() {
  return this
    .replace(new RegExp(/[-_]+/, 'g'), ' ')
    .replace(new RegExp(/[^\w\s]/, 'g'), '')
      new RegExp(/\s+(.)(\w+)/, 'g'),
      ($1, $2, $3) => `${$2.toUpperCase() + $3.toLowerCase()}`
    .replace(new RegExp(/\s/, 'g'), '')
    .replace(new RegExp(/\w/), s => s.toLowerCase());

Test cases:测试用例:

describe('String to camel case', function() {
  it('should return a camel cased string', function() {
    chai.assert.equal(toCamelCase('foo bar'), 'fooBar');
    chai.assert.equal(toCamelCase('Foo Bar'), 'fooBar');
    chai.assert.equal(toCamelCase('fooBar'), 'fooBar');
    chai.assert.equal(toCamelCase('FooBar'), 'fooBar');
    chai.assert.equal(toCamelCase('--foo-bar--'), 'fooBar');
    chai.assert.equal(toCamelCase('__FOO_BAR__'), 'fooBar');
    chai.assert.equal(toCamelCase('!--foo-¿?-bar--121-**%'), 'fooBar121');

There is my solution:有我的解决方案:

 const toCamelWord = (word, idx) => idx === 0 ? word.toLowerCase() : word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1).toLowerCase(); const toCamelCase = text => text .split(/[_-\s]+/) .map(toCamelWord) .join(""); console.log(toCamelCase('User ID'))

To effectively create a function that converts the casing of a string to camel-case, the function will also need to convert each string to lower-case first, before transforming the casing of the first character of non-first strings to an uppercase letter.为了有效地创建将字符串的大小写转换为驼峰式大小写的函数,该函数还需要先将每个字符串转换为小写,然后再将非第一个字符串的第一个字符的大小写转换为大写字母。

My example string is:我的示例字符串是:

"text That I WaNt to make cAMEL case"

Many other solutions provided to this question return this:为这个问题提供的许多其他解决方案都返回了这个:


What I believe should be the expected, desired output would be this though, where all the mid-string uppercase characters are first transformed to be lowercase:我认为应该是预期的,期望的输出是这样的,其中所有中间字符串大写字符首先转换为小写:


This can be done WITHOUT using any replace() method calls, by utilizing the String.prototype.split() , Array.prototype.map() , and Array.prototype.join() methods:这可以在不使用任何replace()方法调用的情况下通过使用String.prototype.split()Array.prototype.map()Array.prototype.join()方法来完成:

≤ ES5 Version ≤ ES5 版本

function makeCamelCase(str) {
  return str
    .split(' ')
    .map((e,i) => i
      ? e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1).toLowerCase()
      : e.toLowerCase()

makeCamelCase("text That I WaNt to make cAMEL case")
// -> "textThatIWanrtToMakeCamelCase" ✅

I'll break down what each line does, and then provide the same solution in two other formats— ES6 and as a String.prototype method, though I'd advise against extending built-in JavaScript prototypes directly like this.我将分解每一行的作用,然后以其他两种格式提供相同的解决方案——ES6 和String.prototype方法,尽管我建议不要像这样直接扩展内置的 JavaScript 原型。


function makeCamelCase(str) {
  return str
    // split string into array of different words by splitting at spaces
    .split(' ')
    // map array of words into two different cases, one for the first word (`i == false`) and one for all other words in the array (where `i == true`). `i` is a parameter that denotes the current index of the array item being evaluated. Because indexes start at `0` and `0` is a "falsy" value, we can use the false/else case of this ternary expression to match the first string where `i === 0`.
    .map((e,i) => i
      // for all non-first words, use a capitalized form of the first character + the lowercase version of the rest of the word (excluding the first character using the slice() method)
      ? e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1).toLowerCase()
      // for the first word, we convert the entire word to lowercase
      : e.toLowerCase()
    // finally, we join the different strings back together into a single string without spaces, our camel-cased string

makeCamelCase("text That I WaNt to make cAMEL case")
// -> "textThatIWanrtToMakeCamelCase" ✅

Condensed ES6+ (One-Liner) Version精简 ES6+(单行)版本

const makeCamelCase = str => str.split(' ').map((e,i) => i ? e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1).toLowerCase() : e.toLowerCase()).join('')

makeCamelCase("text That I WaNt to make cAMEL case")
// -> "textThatIWanrtToMakeCamelCase" ✅

String.prototype method version String.prototype方法版本

String.prototype.toCamelCase = function() {
  return this
    .split(' ')
    .map((e,i) => i
      ? e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1).toLowerCase()
      : e.toLowerCase()

"text That I WaNt to make cAMEL case".toCamelCase()
// -> "textThatIWanrtToMakeCamelCase" ✅

This method seems to outperform most answers on here, it's a little bit hacky though, no replaces, no regex, simply building up a new string that's camelCase.这种方法似乎胜过这里的大多数答案,虽然它有点hacky,没有替换,没有正则表达式,只是建立一个新的字符串,即camelCase。

String.prototype.camelCase = function(){
    var newString = '';
    var lastEditedIndex;
    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++){
        if(this[i] == ' ' || this[i] == '-' || this[i] == '_'){
            newString += this[i+1].toUpperCase();
            lastEditedIndex = i+1;
        else if(lastEditedIndex !== i) newString += this[i].toLowerCase();
    return newString;

This builds on the answer by CMS by removing any non-alphabetic characters including underscores, which \w does not remove.这建立在 CMS 的答案之上,方法是删除任何非字母字符,包括下划线, \w不会删除这些字符。

function toLowerCamelCase(str) {
    return str.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/g, ' ').replace(/^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w|\s+/g, function (match, index) {
        if (+match === 0 || match === '-' || match === '.' ) {
            return ""; // or if (/\s+/.test(match)) for white spaces
        return index === 0 ? match.toLowerCase() : match.toUpperCase();

toLowerCamelCase("EquipmentClass name");
toLowerCamelCase("Equipment className");
toLowerCamelCase("equipment class name");
toLowerCamelCase("Equipment Class Name");
// All output e


'TestString'.split('').reduce((t, v, k) => t + (k === 0 ? v.toLowerCase() : v), '');

I ended up crafting a slightly more aggressive solution:我最终制定了一个更具侵略性的解决方案:

function toCamelCase(str) {
  const [first, ...acc] = str.replace(/[^\w\d]/g, ' ').split(/\s+/);
  return first.toLowerCase() + acc.map(x => x.charAt(0).toUpperCase() 
    + x.slice(1).toLowerCase()).join('');

This one, above, will remove all non-alphanumeric characters and lowercase parts of words that would otherwise remain uppercased, eg上面的这个将删除所有非字母数字字符和单词的小写部分,否则它们会保持大写,例如

  • Size (comparative) => sizeComparative Size (comparative) => sizeComparative
  • GDP (official exchange rate) => gdpOfficialExchangeRate GDP (official exchange rate) => gdpOfficialExchangeRate
  • hello => hello hello => hello
function convertStringToCamelCase(str){
    return str.split(' ').map(function(item, index){
        return index !== 0 
            ? item.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + item.substr(1) 
            : item.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + item.substr(1);

I know this is an old answer, but this handles both whitespace and _ (lodash)我知道这是一个旧答案,但这可以处理空格和 _ (lodash)

function toCamelCase(s){
    return s
          .replace(/_/g, " ")
          .replace(/\s(.)/g, function($1) { return $1.toUpperCase(); })
          .replace(/\s/g, '')
          .replace(/^(.)/, function($1) { return $1.toLowerCase(); });

console.log(toCamelCase("Hello world");

// Both print "helloWorld"
const toCamelCase = str =>
    .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+(.)/g, (m, chr) => chr.toUpperCase())
    .replace(/^\w/, c => c.toLowerCase());

Most answers do not handle unicode characters, eg accented characters.大多数答案不处理 unicode 字符,例如重音字符。

If you want to handle unicode and accents, the following works in any modern browser:如果您想处理 unicode 和重音符号,以下适用于任何现代浏览器:

camelCase = s => s
   .replace( /(?<!\p{L})\p{L}|\s+/gu,
              m => +m === 0 ? "" : m.toUpperCase() )
   .replace( /^./, 
             m => m?.toLowerCase() );

A couple of explanations:几个解释:

  1. because the question requires that the first character be lowercase, the second replace call is necessary.因为问题要求第一个字符是小写的,所以第二个替换调用是必要的。
  2. the first replace call identifies any unicode letter that follows any non letter (equivalent of \b\w but working for non ASCII letters).第一个 replace 调用标识任何非字母之后的任何 unicode 字母(相当于 \b\w 但适用于非 ASCII 字母)。 The u flag (unicode) is necessary for this to work. u 标志(unicode)是这个工作所必需的。

Note that this will keep uppercase letters unchanged.请注意,这将保持大写字母不变。 This is useful if your input text contains acronyms.如果您的输入文本包含首字母缩略词,这很有用。


console.log(camelCase("Shakespeare in FR is être ou ne pas être");
// => 'ShakespeareInFRIsÊtreOuNePasÊtre'

If you want pure camelCase where acronyms are turned lowercase, you can lower case the input text first.如果您想要将首字母缩略词变为小写的纯 camelCase,您可以先将输入文本小写。

Basic approach would be to split the string with a regex matching upper-case or spaces.基本方法是使用匹配大写或空格的正则表达式拆分字符串。 Then you'd glue the pieces back together.然后你会把这些碎片粘在一起。 Trick will be dealing with the various ways regex splits are broken/weird across browsers.技巧将处理正则表达式拆分在浏览器中被破坏/奇怪的各种方式。 There's a library or something that somebody wrote to fix those problems;有人写了一个图书馆或其他东西来解决这些问题; I'll look for it.我会去找的。

here's the link: http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/cross-browser-split这是链接:http: //blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/cross-browser-split


EDIT<\/strong> : Now working in IE8 without changes.<\/i>编辑<\/strong>:现在在 IE8 中工作而无需更改。<\/b><\/p>

EDIT<\/strong> : I was in the minority about what camelCase actually is (Leading character lowercase vs. uppercase.).<\/i>编辑<\/strong>:我对骆驼大写实际上是少数派(前导字符小写与大写。)。<\/b> The community at large believes a leading lowercase is camel case and a leading capital is pascal case.<\/i>整个社区认为领先的小写字母是骆驼大小写,领先的大写字母是帕斯卡大小写。<\/b> I have created two functions that use regex patterns only.<\/i>我创建了两个仅使用正则表达式模式的函数。<\/b> :) So we use a unified vocabulary I have changed my stance to match the majority.<\/i> :) 所以我们使用统一的词汇我已经改变了我的立场以匹配大多数人。<\/b><\/p>

All I believe you need is a single regex in either case:<\/i>我相信在任何一种情况下你都需要一个正则表达式:<\/b><\/p>

var camel = " THIS is camel case "
camel = $.trim(camel)
    .replace(/[^A-Za-z]/g,' ') /* clean up non-letter characters */
    .replace(/(.)/g, function(a, l) { return l.toLowerCase(); })
    .replace(/(\s.)/g, function(a, l) { return l.toUpperCase(); })
// Returns "thisIsCamelCase"

Don't use String.prototype.toCamelCase() because String.prototypes are read-only, most of the js compilers will give you this warning.不要使用 String.prototype.toCamelCase() 因为 String.prototypes 是只读的,大多数 js 编译器都会给你这个警告。

Like me, those who know that the string will always contains only one space can use a simpler approach:像我一样,那些知道字符串总是只包含一个空格的人可以使用一种更简单的方法:

let name = 'test string';

let pieces = name.split(' ');

pieces = pieces.map((word, index) => word.charAt(0)[index===0 ? 'toLowerCase' :'toUpperCase']() + word.toLowerCase().slice(1));

return pieces.join('');

Have a good day.祝你有美好的一天。 :) :)

I came up with this one liner which also works with kebab-case to CamelCase:我想出了一个衬里,它也适用于 CamelCase 的 kebab-case:

                (match) =>
                    match[1] !== undefined
                        ? match[1].toUpperCase()
                        : match[0].toUpperCase()

There is a package to do this有一个包可以做到这一点

import (

func example () {
    // to convert a string to underscore
    res := inflection.Underscore("aA")
    // will return a_a
    // to convert a string to camelize
    // will return AA
    fmt.Println(inflection.Camelize("a_a", true))

One funny way to do that is via dataset property.一种有趣的方法是通过数据集属性。

 function camelize(dashString) { let el = document.createElement('div') el.setAttribute('data-'+dashString,'') return Object.keys(el.dataset)[0] } camelize('x-element') // 'xElement'

Coderbyte Camel Case Solution Coderbyte 骆驼案例解决方案


Have the function CamelCase(str) take the str parameter being passed and return it in proper camel case format where the first letter of each word is capitalized (excluding the first letter).让 function CamelCase(str) 获取传递的 str 参数,并以正确的驼峰格式返回它,其中每个单词的第一个字母大写(不包括第一个字母)。 The string will only contain letters and some combination of delimiter punctuation characters separating each word.该字符串将仅包含字母和分隔每个单词的分隔符标点字符的某种组合。

For example: if str is "BOB loves-coding" then your program should return the string bobLovesCoding.例如:如果 str 是“BOBloves-coding”,那么你的程序应该返回字符串 bobLovesCoding。


 function CamelCase(str) { return str.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w]+(.)/g, (ltr) => ltr.toUpperCase()).replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, ''); } // keep this function call here console.log(CamelCase("cats AND*Dogs-are Awesome")); console.log(CamelCase("ab c def%g"));

I think this should work..我认为这应该工作..

function cammelCase(str){
    let arr = str.split(' ');
    let words = arr.filter(v=>v!='');
    words.forEach((w, i)=>{
        words[i] = w.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){
            return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1);
    return words.join('');

A super easy way, using the turboCommons library:一个超级简单的方法,使用 turboCommons 库:

npm install turbocommons-es5

<script src="turbocommons-es5/turbocommons-es5.js"></script>

    var StringUtils = org_turbocommons.StringUtils;
    console.log(StringUtils.formatCase('EquipmentClass', StringUtils.FORMAT_LOWER_CAMEL_CASE));
    console.log(StringUtils.formatCase('Equipment className', StringUtils.FORMAT_LOWER_CAMEL_CASE));
    console.log(StringUtils.formatCase('equipment class name', StringUtils.FORMAT_LOWER_CAMEL_CASE));
    console.log(StringUtils.formatCase('Equipment Class Name', StringUtils.FORMAT_LOWER_CAMEL_CASE));

You can also use StringUtils.FORMAT_CAMEL_CASE and StringUtils.FORMAT_UPPER_CAMEL_CASE to generate first letter case variations.您还可以使用 StringUtils.FORMAT_CAMEL_CASE 和 StringUtils.FORMAT_UPPER_CAMEL_CASE 生成首字母大小写变化。

More info here:更多信息在这里:

Convert string to CamelCase, UpperCamelCase or lowerCamelCase 将字符串转换为 CamelCase、UpperCamelCase 或 lowerCamelCase

This will convert any case string with spaces to thisWordsInCamelCase这会将任何带有空格的大小写字符串转换为 thisWordsInCamelCase

String.prototype.toCamelCase = function () {
  return this.toString() && this.split(' ').map((word, index) => {
    return (index === 0 ? word[0].toLowerCase() : word[0].toUpperCase()) + word.slice(1).toLowerCase()

Quick way快捷方式

function toCamelCase(str) {
    return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.substr(1).toLowerCase();

 function camelCase(str) { return str.split(' ').map((x) => x.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + x.slice(1)).join(''); } console.log(camelCase('camel case word'));

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