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[英]Cocoa renaming MyDocument window title

How can I change the title of a window in a document based cocoa application? 如何在基于文档的可可应用程序中更改窗口的标题? I get an error when I try the following code in MyDocument.m 在MyDocument.m中尝试以下代码时出现错误

- (void)awakeFromNib
    [self setTitle:@"Document 1"];

Override displayName and return the value you want displayed. 覆盖displayName并返回要显示的值。

- (NSString *)displayName {
    return @"Document 1";

If you're subclassing NSWindowController then override windowTitleForDocumentDisplayName: instead. 如果要子类化NSWindowController windowTitleForDocumentDisplayName:改写windowTitleForDocumentDisplayName:

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