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[英]is there any javascript library to resize images according to browser window size?

is there any javascript library for resizing the images according to browser window sizes ? 是否有用于根据浏览器窗口大小调整图像大小的JavaScript库?

I need to consider all cases (vertical / horizonal image, vertical / horizonal browser window) 我需要考虑所有情况(垂直/水平图像,垂直/水平浏览器窗口)

NB The image scale has to be the same! 注意图像比例必须相同! (no distorsions) (无失真)

thanks 谢谢

不知道这是否正是您的意思,但是我在我的一个项目中使用了“ Supersized” jquery插件(它提供了diashow功能,但是如果只传递一个图像,可能就是您想要的): http:// www.buildinternet.com/project/supersized/还有一个“ bgStretcher”插件,看起来差不多,但是我还没有使用它: http ://www.ajaxblender.com/bgstretcher-jquery-stretch-background -plugin.html

I came up with this solution. 我想出了这个解决方案。 Is this insane in your opinion ? 您认为这是疯了吗? It works.. :) 有用.. :)

var scale = 1;

                if ( imageWidth > imageHeight) {
                    if ( imageWidth > windowW) {
                        scale = windowW / imageWidth;
                        if ( (imageHeight * scale) > windowH) {
                            scale = scale * (windowH / imageHeight);
                    } else {
                        if ( imageHeight > windowH) {
                        scale = windowH / imageHeight;
                        if ( (imageWidth * scale) > windowW) {
                            scale = scale * (windowW / imageWidth);
                } else {
                    if ( imageHeight > windowH) {
                        scale = windowH / imageHeight;
                        if ( (imageWidth * scale) > windowW) {
                            scale = scale * (windowW / imageWidth);
                    } else {
                            if ( imageWidth > windowW) {
                                scale = windowW / imageWidth;
                                if ( (imageHeight * scale) > windowH) {
                                    scale = scale * (windowH / imageHeight);

                imageHeight = imageHeight * scale;      
                imageWidth = imageWidth * scale;

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