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[英]Porting a Grails application to GAE

I currently have a Grails application I'm evaluating to port to Google App Engine and I'd like to know experiences regarding: 我目前有一个Grails应用程序,我正在评估移植到Google App Engine,我想知道以下经验:

  1. Acegi security: the application relies on this library to enforce the security (update: just learned that it's based on hibernate so can't be ported; any recommended replacements?). Acegi安全性:应用程序依赖于此库来强制执行安全性(更新:刚刚了解到它基于hibernate,因此无法移植;任何推荐的替换?)。
  2. Use of JPA or JDO instead of the hibernate plugin (I'll have to migrate the Domain classes); 使用JPA或JDO代替hibernate插件(我必须迁移Domain类); which one is better ? 哪一个更好 ?
  3. I have a growing number of pre-generated pdf files I keep uploading; 我有越来越多的预生成的pdf文件,我一直在上传; is there any foreseeable problem with this? 这有什么可预见的问题吗?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

This isn't the answer you want, I'm sure, but I spent some time exploring Grails on GAE and finally came to the conclusion that it's not a good fit. 这不是你想要的答案,我敢肯定,但我花了一些时间在GAE上探索Grails,最后得出的结论是它不合适。 By the time you give up (or work around) the native Domain capabilities, forego many of the plugins, and deal with the host of other minor incompatibilities, you've essentially wiped out most of the productivity advantage of Grails. 当您放弃(或解决)本机域功能,放弃许多插件,并处理其他轻微不兼容性的主机时,您基本上消除了Grails的大部分生产力优势。 I'd consider a standard J2EE, a compatible framework, or possibly a GWT based app for GAE. 我会考虑一个标准的J2EE,一个兼容的框架,或者可能是GAE的基于GWT的应用程序。 If you want to stick with Grails, I'd host it on AWS or a dedicated J2EE hosting provider. 如果你想坚持使用Grails,我会在AWS或专用的J2EE托管服务提供商上托管它。

That said, I hope the integration eventually works cleanly because GAE is a pretty cool engine/model. 也就是说,我希望整合最终能够干净利落,因为GAE是一个非常酷的引擎/模型。

You may also be interested in Gaelyk ( http://gaelyk.appspot.com/ ) Gaelyk is a lightweight wrapper which enables you to deploy applications written in Groovy to the App Engine. 您可能也对Gaelyk感兴趣( http://gaelyk.appspot.com/)Gaelyk是一个轻量级的包装器,它使您能够将使用Groovy编写的应用程序部署到App Engine。

Gaelyk offers a lot of the advantages of Grails including: Gaelyk提供了Grails的许多优点 ,包括:

  • standards for Views, Controllers 视图,控制器标准
  • flexible URL routing 灵活的URL路由
  • plugin system 插件系统
  • It has simple wrappers for the App Engine (including datastore access and coercion to POJO/POGOs, email, memcache, Jabber & more) 它有简单的App Engine包装器(包括数据存储访问和强制到POJO / POGO,电子邮件,memcache,Jabber等)

(although it doesn't include internationalisation, CRUD scaffolding or a HQL type query wrapper) (虽然它不包括国际化,CRUD脚手架或HQL类型的查询包装器)

As it is more lightweight it doesn't have the performance issues on App Engine that Grails does and now that you can reserve instances http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/adminconsole/instances.html#Always_On it is possible to remove the startup time problems! 由于它更轻量级,它没有Grails所做的App Engine上的性能问题,现在您可以保留实例http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/adminconsole/instances.html#Always_On它是可能的删除启动时间问题!

I wrote a blog series about my experience with Grails on App Engine . 我写了一篇关于我在App Engine上使用Grails的经历的博客系列 It discusses most of your questions. 它讨论了你的大多数问题。

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