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[英]Perl - How to use a process Handle created in a Module in another Perl Script

Ultimately, what I want to do is to start a process in a module and parse the output in real time in another script. 最终,我想做的是在模块中启动一个进程,并在另一个脚本中实时解析输出。

What I want to do : 我想做的事 :

  • Open a process Handler (IPC) 打开流程处理程序(IPC)
  • Use this attribute outside of the Module 在模块外部使用此属性

How I'm trying to do it and fail : 我如何尝试做到而失败:

  • Open the process handler 打开流程处理程序
  • Save the handler in a module's attribute 将处理程序保存在模块的属性中
  • Use the attribute outside the module. 使用模块外部的属性。

Code example : 代码示例:



sub doSomething{
  open( $self->{PROCESS_HANDLER}, "run a .jar 2>&1 |" );


my $module = new module(...);
while( $module->{PROCESS_HANDLER} ){

package Thing;
use Moose;
use IO::Pipe;

has 'foo' => (
    is      => 'ro',
    isa     => 'IO::Handle',
    default => sub {
        my $handle = IO::Pipe->new;
        $handle->reader('run a .jar 2>&1'); # note, *no* pipe character here
        return $handle;


package main;
use Thing;
my $t = Thing->new;
say $t->foo->getlines;

Your while statement is missing a readline iterator, for one thing: 您的while语句缺少一个readline迭代器,原因是:

while( < {$module->{PROCESS_HANDLER}} > ) { ...

or 要么

while( readline($module->{PROCESS_HANDLER}) ) { ...

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